funsent-framework PHP实现的funsent框架源码 the application framework by PHP 框架特性: MVC、Psr、DI、IOC、ORM、单元测试、命令行、契约、服务(参数配置和驱动配置、
PHP CI框架源码
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, EllisLab, Inc.All rights reserved.This license is a legal agreement between you and EllisLab Inc. for the useof CodeIgniter Software (the "Software"). By obtaining the Softwa
指令说明 点击图片查看大图 大图旋转、轮播、鼠标滚轮放大或缩小、拖拽 使用示例 组件参数说明 cameraList:'=', //图片列表(array, [{url: '图片地址', title:
使用 React+typescript 的组件库 react实现图片的放大、缩小、旋转及移动功能组件 npm install react-image-zoom --save 使用 // 引入组件import { ImgZoom } from 'react-image-zoo
Viewer A simple jQuery image viewing plugin. WebsiteViewer.js - the non-jQuery version of Viewer ( recommended ).Table of contentsFeaturesMainGetting startedKeyboard supportOptionsMethodsEventsNo confl
如何部署? 首先clone下来,运行composer install 安装Swoole扩展 根据官网教程进行安装,这里就不阐述 修改配置文件configs.php ?phpreturn [ //服务端Ip,换成自己
myGame 文字挂机小游戏 安装 根目录下 composer install 测试地址 测试连接账号123 密码123 生成器 unit.php 单元测试unitBirthPlace.php 出生地地点生成器unitMonster.php 怪
A game demo for Swoole and Vue
HideAndSeek 一个使用了Swoole作为服务端,Vue作为前端展示的捉迷藏小游戏 效果图 运行方法 在app文件夹下运行 php Server.php 即可 使用工具 PHPStormVirtualBoxXShell
Joomla Framework Application P
The Application Package Initialising Applications AbstractApplication implements an initialise method that is called at the end of the constructor. This method is intended to be overridden in derived c
Issue tracking application ext
Joomla! Issue Tracker Build Status Drone-CI Requirements The issue tracker application requires a server running: PHP 7.4PHP's ext/curl and ext/intl should also be installedMySQL 5.6.51 with InnoDB sup
K2 - the powerful content exte
You've already been there... Joomla is a great content management system. In fact it's considered one of the best in the world. But the default article system in Joomla is both spartan and confusing to