销售办公系统软件v0.1 with php using ze
README======This directory should be used to place project specfic documentation includingbut not limited to project notes, generated API/phpdoc documentation, ormanual files generated or hand written.
Registers environment variable
Dotenv Component Symfony Dotenv parses .env files to make environment variables stored in themaccessible via $_SERVER or $_ENV . Getting Started $ composer require symfony/dotenv use SymfonyComponentDo
Register advanced custom field
Extended ACF Register advanced custom fields with object-oriented PHP. Extended ACF provides an object-oriented API to register groups and fields with ACF. If you register fields in your theme, you can
ngSlide 基于angularJS和scss制作的图片轮播插件 插件介绍 ###包依赖script src='js/jquery.js'script src='js/angular.js'script src='js/slider.js' 需要在你的angular初始化时进行依
A Q&A and Forum PHP platform
Phanbook Phanbook is the next-generation QA and Forum software that makes online discussion, question and answer sitefor professional and enthusiast people. Also the name Phanbook is mean - Phan(Phalco
umi+dva 插件,用于自定义全局model文件夹
umi-plugin-dir-model 此插件适用与 umi + dva 项目,用于收集自定义目录下的 model 到全局 store 中。 Install $ npm install umi-plugin-dir-model --save Usage 在 .umirc.js 或 confi
wechat-auth 2018-11-13,升级到 laravel5.7 easyWeChat 的4.0版本 基于 EasyWeChat进行微信登录的封装 laravel-5.7 前后端分离的微信登录,demo是同域的前端工程,token存Co
Ifp 并不像xhprof 一样对PHP 做深入的测量,而是
instrumentation-for-php Ifp 并不像xhprof 一样对PHP 做深入的测量,而是更关注数据库调用。所以当无法在数据库层面进行测量的时候,Ifp可以很好地帮助应用剖析
PHP使用protobuf数据结构,调用GRPC撮单服务示例 快速使用 protoc --php_out=. order.proto 依赖 composer update pecl install protobuf-{VERSION} pecl install grpc
ThinkPHP-OnlyDB 分离出来的ThinkPHP的数据库ORM模型,可以由普通php文件调用 技术发展的很快,这个还是Tp3.2版本的,建议学习Think5.x吧 介绍 ThinkPHP是一个非常不