PHP package built for Laravel
jrean/laravel-user-verification is a PHP package built for Laravel 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. , 9.* 10.* toeasily handle a user verification and validate the e-mail. VERSIONS This package is Laravel 10.0 compli
Modern, simple and fresh looki
Looking Glass Modern, simple and fresh looking glass based on Bootstrap 5 and PHP 8 (also compatible with 7). A looking glass is a network utility which ismade user-friendly for everyone to use. It all
PHP 5.x-8.x polyfill for mcryp
mcrypt_compat PHP 5.x-8.x polyfill for mcrypt extension. Supporting mcrypt_compat Become a backer or sponsor on PatreonOne-time donation via PayPal or crypto-currenciesSubscribe to Tidelift Installatio
Parser for iCalendar Events •
PHP ICS Parser Installation Requirements PHP 5 (≥ 5.6.40)Valid ICS ( .ics , .ical , .ifb ) fileIANA, Unicode CLDR or Windows Time Zones Setup Install ComposerAdd the following dependency to composer.
NuSOAP NuSOAP is a rewrite of SOAPx4, provided by NuSphere and Dietrich Ayala. It is a set of PHP classes - no PHP extensions required - that allow developers to create and consume web services based o
Winforms/PHP app for managing
University Management System 1.Requirements -Microsoft Visual Studio-XAMPP solution stack 2.Configuration (before running application) -You need to put UMS-client folder inside htdocs folder inside XAM
xTool.js包的子包,单独拿出来作中文文档,方便中文用户。需要跑UT请先安装Jest: `npm i jest' xNumber Number relative tools of xTool Kind : global class xNumbernew xNumber().to
微信小程序Demo Cosplay 本程序是一个新手练习项目。你可以通过下拉刷新随机请求COSPLAY图片,并且点进去查看详细信息。 感谢姬长信API For Docker提供的API接
PHP 5.3 OAuth 1.0 rfc5849
OAuth 1.0 (rfc5849) PHP 5.3 Craig Mason A PHP 5.3+ only implementation of the OAuth 1.0 protocol This library does not handle the creation
PHP 5.4+ wrapper around Google
Google Chart Generator PHP 5.4+ wrapper around Google Chart API based on Polymer 1.0 component google-chart . Installation Add composer.json dependency: "require": { "martinsik/google-chart-generator":