A schema manager for Doctrine DBAL: all the convenience of the Doctrine ORM, without using the ORM.


Doctrine ORM can automatically manage your DB schema based on your entity mapping. This feature is lost when using the DBAL instead of the ORM.

This package lets you achieve something similar by defining your DB schema with PHP code. It also lets you manage your database using a Symfony Console command similar to Symfony's native doctrine:schema:update command, as well as DB migrations.


composer require mnapoli/dbal-schema


1. Define a schema

Define your DB schema by implementing the SchemaDefinition interface:

class MySchemaDefinition implements DbalSchemaSchemaDefinition { public function define(Schema $schema) { $usersTable = $schema->createTable('users'); $usersTable->addColumn('id', 'integer'); $usersTable->addColumn('email', 'string'); $usersTable->addColumn('lastLogin', 'datetime'); $usersTable->addColumn('score', 'float', [ 'notnull' => false, ]); $usersTable->setPrimaryKey(['id']); $usersTable->addUniqueIndex(['email']); } }

You can read the whole API available on Doctrine's documentation.

2. Set up the schema

Doctrine can now generate/update your database based on your schema.

Using Symfony

Here is an example of configuration that can go in your config/services.yml:

services: DbalSchemaSchemaDefinition: # Replace this with your class name alias: AppDatabaseMySchemaDefinition DbalSchemaDbalSchemaProvider: # Register the commands: DbalSchemaDbalSchemaCommand: DbalSchemaCommandUpdateCommand: DbalSchemaCommandPurgeCommand:

This configuration assumes your services are autowired.

Once the services are registered, you can now run the commands:

bin/console dbal:schema:update bin/console dbal:schema:purge

Using Silly

Using Silly you can ignore the many separate command classes and simply use the DbalSchemaCommand class:

$schema = new MySchemaDefinition(); $dbalConnection = /* your DBAL connection, see http://docs.doctrine-project.org/projects/doctrine-dbal/en/latest/reference/configuration.html */ $command = new DbalSchemaCommand($dbalConnection, $schema); $application = new SillyApplication(); $application->command('db [--force]', [$command, 'update']); $application->command('db-purge [--force]', [$command, 'purge']); $application->run();

If you are using the Silly PHP-DI edition it's even simpler as PHP-DI can instantiate the DbalSchemaCommand service:

$application->command('db [--force]', [DbalSchemaCommand::class, 'update']); $application->command('db-purge [--force]', [DbalSchemaCommand::class, 'purge']);

3. Optional: database migrations

If you prefer using database migrations instead of running bin/console dbal:schema:update, DBAL Schema integrates with Doctrine Migrations.

To set it up, we need the setService() method call to happen like in the example below:

use DoctrineMigrationsDependencyFactory; use DoctrineMigrationsProviderSchemaProvider; use DbalSchemaDbalSchemaProvider; $doctrineMigrationDependencyFactory = DependencyFactory::fromConnection(...); $doctrineMigrationDependencyFactory->setService(SchemaProvider::class, new DbalSchemaProvider(new MySchemaDefinition()));

In Symfony, it can be done by installing the DoctrineMigrationsBundle and editing config/packages/doctrine_migrations.yaml:

doctrine_migrations: # ... services: DoctrineMigrationsProviderSchemaProvider: DbalSchemaDbalSchemaProvider

Now, you can run:

bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff

to generate migrations based on your DBAL schema.

