Yii 2 Starter Kit
This is Yii2 start application template.
It was created and developing as a fast start for building an advanced sites based on Yii2.
It covers typical use cases for a new project and will help you not to waste your time doing the same work in every project
Before you start
Please, consider helping project via contributions or donations.
Demo Features Installation Manual installation Docker installation Vagrant installation Components documentation Console commands Testing FAQ How to contribute? Have any questions?Quickstart
Install composer Install docker Install docker-compose Runcomposer create-project yii2-starter-kit/yii2-starter-kit myproject.com --ignore-platform-reqs cd myproject.com composer run-script docker:build Go to http://yii2-starter-kit.localhost
Admin backend
Beautiful and open source dashboard theme for backend AdminLTE 2 Content management components: articles, categories, static pages, editable menu, editable carousels, text blocks Settings editor. Application settings form (based on KeyStorage component) File manager Users, RBAC management Events timeline Logs viewer System monitoringI18N
Built-in translations: English Spanish Russian Ukrainian Chinese Vietnamese Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Language switcher, built-in behavior to choose locale based on browser preferred language Backend translations managerUsers
Sign in Sign up Profile editing(avatar, locale, personal data) Optional activation by email OAuth authorization RBAC with predefinedguest
, user
, manager
and administrator
RBAC migrations support
Ready-to-use Docker-based stack (php, nginx, mysql, mailcatcher) .env support Webpack build configuration Key-value storage service Ready to use REST API module File storage component + file upload widget On-demand thumbnail creation trntv/yii2-glide Built-in queue component yiisoft/yii2-queue Command Bus with queued and async tasks support trntv/yii2-command-busExtendedMessageController
with ability to replace source code language and migrate messages between message sources
Some useful shortcuts
Useful behaviors (GlobalAccessBehavior, CacheInvalidateBehavior) Maintenance mode support (more) Aceeditor widget Datetimepicker widget, Imperavi Reactor Widget, Xhprof Debug panel Sitemap generator Extended IDE autocompletion Test-ready Docker support and Vagrant support Built-in mailcatcher Swagger for API docs.DEMO
Demo is hosted by awesome Digital Ocean
Frontend: http://yii2-starter-kit.terentev.net Backend: http://backend.yii2-starter-kit.terentev.netadministrator
role account
Login: webmaster
Password: webmaster
role account
Login: manager
Password: manager
role account
Login: user
Password: user
How to contribute?
You can contribute in any way you want. Any help appreciated, but most of all i need help with docs (^_^)
Have any questions?
Mail to eugene@terentev.net
Yii2 DockerNOTE
This template was created mostly for developers NOT for end users. This is a point where you can start your application, rather than creating it from scratch. Good luck!