Dynamic Bulma form builder
use WndViewWnd_Form; echo " <!DOCTYPE html> <head> <link rel='stylesheet' href='//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bulma@0.7.4/css/bulma.min.css' type='text/css' media='all' /> <link rel='stylesheet' href='//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free@5.7.2/css/all.min.css' type='text/css' media='all' /> <style>span.required{color:#F00} body{padding:50px;}</style> <title>PHP bulma Form builder Demo</title> </head> <body> " ; // 输出结果 if (!empty($_POST)) { print_r($_POST); } /** *仅仅输出表单字段 *@since 2019.04.28 */ $form = new Wnd_Form; $form->add_text( [ 'addon_right' => '<button type="button" class="send-code button is-primary">获取验证码</button>', 'name' => 'test', ] ); echo $form->get_input_fields(); /** *字段数组数据输出与设置 *@since 2019.04.28 */ $form = new Wnd_Form(); $form->add_hidden('hidden_key', 'hidden_value'); // 获取当前表单的组成数据数组(通常用于配合 filter 过滤) $form->get_input_values(); // 直接设置表单的组成数组(通常用于配合 filter 过滤) // $form->set_input_values($input_values); /** *常规表单生成 *@since 2019.03.10 */ $form = new Wnd_Form(); $form->add_form_attr('data-test', 'test-value'); $form->set_form_title('标题'); // input $form->add_text( [ 'id' => 'demo' . uniqid(), 'name' => 'user_name', 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'user name', 'label' => 'User name<span class="required">*</span> ', 'icon_right' => '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>', // icon html @link https://fontawesome.com/ 'icon_left' => '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>', // icon html @link https://fontawesome.com/ 'autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'required' => true, 'readonly' => false, ] ); /** *@since 2020.04.20 *当前字段可复制追加(需要对应前端js支持) * */ $form->add_text( [ 'addon_right' => '<button type="button" class="button add-row">+</button>', 'name' => 'test[]', ] ); // has addon and icon $form->add_text( [ 'icon_right' => '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>', // icon html @link https://fontawesome.com/ 'icon_left' => '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>', // icon html @link https://fontawesome.com/ 'addon_right' => '<button type="button" class="send-code button is-primary">获取验证码</button>', 'addon_left' => '<button type="button" class="send-code button is-primary">获取验证码</button>', 'name' => 'test', // 'label' => 'Input with addons', // 'disabled' => true, ] ); // input $form->add_number( [ 'name' => 'number', 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'number', 'label' => 'Number<span class="required">*</span> ', 'icon_left' => '<i class="fas fa-user"></i>', // icon html @link https://fontawesome.com/ 'autofocus' => 'autofocus', 'required' => true, ] ); // input $form->add_email( [ 'name' => 'email', 'value' => '', 'placeholder' => 'email', 'label' => 'Email <span class="required">*</span>', 'icon_left' => '<i class="fas fa-envelope"></i>', 'required' => false, ] ); // password $form->add_password( [ 'name' => 'password', 'value' => '', 'label' => 'Password <span class="required">*</span>', 'placeholder' => 'password', 'icon_left' => '<i class="fas fa-unlock-alt"></i>', 'required' => false, ] ); // radio $form->add_radio( [ 'name' => 'radio', 'options' => ['key1' => 'value1', 'key2' => 'value2'], 'label' => 'SEX', 'required' => false, 'checked' => 'woman', //default checked value ] ); // html $form->add_html('<div class="field is-horizontal"><div class="field-body">'); // select $form->add_select( [ 'name' => 'select', 'options' => ['select1' => 'value1', 'select2' => 'value2'], 'label' => 'Dropdown', 'required' => false, 'selected' => 'value2', //default selected value ] ); // checkbox $form->add_checkbox( [ 'name' => 'checkbox[]', 'options' => ['小' => '0.01', '中' => '10', '大' => '100'], 'label' => 'checkbox', 'checked' => ['0.01', '100'], // checked ] ); $form->add_html('</div></div>'); /** *@since 2019.04.08 bulma拓展样式 *https://wikiki.github.io/form/checkradio/ */ $form->add_radio( [ 'name' => 'total_amount', 'options' => ['0.01' => '0.01', '10' => '10'], 'required' => 'required', 'checked' => '0.01', //default checked value 'class' => 'is-checkradio is-danger', ] ); /** *@since 2019.04.08 bulma拓展样式 *@link https://wikiki.github.io/form/switch/ */ $form->add_checkbox( [ 'name' => '_usermeta_auto_play', 'options' => ['首页自动播放' => '1'], 'checked' => wnd_get_user_meta(get_current_user_id(), 'auto_play') ? 1 : 0, //default checked 'id' => 'auto_play', 'class' => 'switch is-danger', ] ); /** * @since 2019.12.13 * 设置表单默认缩略图尺寸:非保存尺寸 * 该尺寸可被具体图片上传字段中:$args['thumbnail_size']参数覆盖 * * 如果表单中不同图片上传需要设置不同的缩略图,则重复调用该方法即可覆盖之前的设定 */ $form->set_thumbnail_size(100, 100); // upload image $form->add_image_upload( [ // 'id' => 'image-upload', 'name' => 'file', // file input field name 'label' => 'Image upload', 'thumbnail' => 'http://img.58codes.com/202401/e3c2jixjbjv4854.gif', // default thumbnail image url, maybe replace this after ajax uploaded 'thumbnail_size' => ['width' => 100, 'height' => 100], //thumbnail image size 'file_id' => 10, //data-file-id on delete button,in some situation, you want delete the file 'data' => [ // some data on file input, maybe useful in ajax upload 'meta_key' => 'avatar', 'save_width' => '0', 'save_height' => '0', ], 'delete_button' => true, 'required' => 'required', ] ); // upload file $form->add_file_upload( [ // 'id' => 'file-upload', 'name' => 'file', // file input field name 'label' => 'File upland', 'file_name' => 'file name', 'file_id' => 0, //data-file-id on delete button,in some situation, you want delete the file 'data' => ['meta_key' => 'file'], // some data on file input, maybe useful in ajax upload 'delete_button' => true, 'required' => 'required', ] ); // textarea $form->add_textarea( [ 'name' => 'content', 'label' => 'content', 'placeholder' => 'placeholder content', 'required' => true, ] ); /** *@since 2019.08.23 *新增HTML5 字段 **/ $form->add_color( [ 'name' => 'color', 'value' => '#990000', ] ); $form->add_date( [ 'name' => 'date', 'min' => '2019-08-23', 'max' => '3019-08-31', ] ); $form->add_range( [ 'name' => 'range', 'min' => '0', 'max' => '10', 'step' => '0.1', ] ); $form->add_url( [ 'name' => 'url', ] ); // 138-5200-1900 $form->add_tel( [ 'name' => 'tel', 'label' => '格式:xxx-xxxx-xxxx', 'pattern' => '[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{4}', ] ); $form->set_action('post', 'https://www.baidu.com'); $form->set_submit_button('Submit', 'is-primary'); $form->build(); echo $form->html;