A Laravel package to help track user onboarding steps

This package lets you set up an onboarding flow for your application's users.

Here's an example of how it's set up:

use AppUser; use SpatieOnboardFacadesOnboard; Onboard::addStep('Complete Profile') ->link('/profile') ->cta('Complete') ->completeIf(function (User $model) { return $model->profile->isComplete(); }); Onboard::addStep('Create Your First Post') ->link('/post/create') ->cta('Create Post') ->completeIf(function (User $model) { return $model->posts->count() > 0; });

You can then render this onboarding flow however you want in your templates:

@if (auth()->user()->onboarding()->inProgress()) <div> @foreach (auth()->user()->onboarding()->steps as $step) <span> @if($step->complete()) <i class="fa fa-check-square-o fa-fw"></i> <s>{{ $loop->iteration }}. {{ $step->title }}</s> @else <i class="fa fa-square-o fa-fw"></i> {{ $loop->iteration }}. {{ $step->title }} @endif </span> <a href="{{ $step->link }}" {{ $step->complete() ? 'disabled' : '' }}> {{ $step->cta }} </a> @endforeach </div> @endif

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require spatie/laravel-onboard


Add the SpatieOnboardConcernsGetsOnboarded trait and SpatieOnboardConcernsOnboardable interface to any model or class in your app, for example the User model:

class User extends Model implements SpatieOnboardConcernsOnboardable { use SpatieOnboardConcernsGetsOnboarded; ...

Example configuration

Configure your steps in your AppProvidersAppServiceProvider.php

use AppUser; use SpatieOnboardFacadesOnboard; class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider { // ... public function boot() { Onboard::addStep('Complete Profile') ->link('/profile') ->cta('Complete') /** * The completeIf will pass the class that you've added the * interface & trait to. You can use Laravel's dependency * injection here to inject anything else as well. */ ->completeIf(function (User $model) { return $model->profile->isComplete(); }); Onboard::addStep('Create Your First Post') ->link('/post/create') ->cta('Create Post') ->completeIf(function (User $model) { return $model->posts->count() > 0; });

The variable name passed to the completeIf callback must be $model.


Now you can access these steps along with their state wherever you like. Here is an example blade template:

@if (auth()->user()->onboarding()->inProgress()) <div> @foreach (auth()->user()->onboarding()->steps as $step) <span> @if($step->complete()) <i class="fa fa-check-square-o fa-fw"></i> <s>{{ $loop->iteration }}. {{ $step->title }}</s> @else <i class="fa fa-square-o fa-fw"></i> {{ $loop->iteration }}. {{ $step->title }} @endif </span> <a href="{{ $step->link }}" {{ $step->complete() ? 'disabled' : '' }}> {{ $step->cta }} </a> @endforeach </div> @endif

Check out all the available features below:

/** @var SpatieOnboardOnboardingManager $onboarding **/ $onboarding = Auth::user()->onboarding(); $onboarding->inProgress(); $onboarding->percentageCompleted(); $onboarding->finished(); $onboarding->steps()->each(function($step) { $step->title; $step->cta; $step->link; $step->complete(); $step->incomplete(); });

Excluding steps based on condition:

Onboard::addStep('Excluded Step') ->excludeIf(function (User $model) { return $model->isAdmin(); });

Limiting steps to a specific class:

Onboard::addStep('Limited Step', User::class) ->link('/post/create'); // or Onboard::addStep('Limited Step', 'AppModelsUser') ->link('/post/create');

When using limited steps, steps that are not limited will be available to all classes. For example:

// Defining User steps Onboard::addStep('Limited User Step', User::class) ->link('/post/create'); // Defining Team steps Onboard::addStep('Limited Team Step', Team::class) ->link('/post/create'); // Defining a step that is available to all classes Onboard::addStep('Normal Step') ->link('/post/create');

The above will result in 1 step being available to all classes, and 2 steps being available to the User and Team classes:

Other classes will only see the Normal Step. User classes will both see the Normal Step and Limited User Step. Team classes will both see the Normal Step and Limited Team Step.

Definining custom attributes and accessing them:

// Defining the attributes Onboard::addStep('Step w/ custom attributes') ->attributes([ 'name' => 'Waldo', 'shirt_color' => 'Red & White', ]); // Accessing them $step->name; $step->shirt_color;

Example middleware

If you want to ensure that your User is redirected to the next unfinished onboarding step, whenever they access your web application, you can use the following middleware as a starting point:

<?php namespace AppHttpMiddleware; use Auth; use Closure; class RedirectToUnfinishedOnboardingStep { public function handle($request, Closure $next) { if (auth()->user()->onboarding()->inProgress()) { return redirect()->to( auth()->user()->onboarding()->nextUnfinishedStep()->link ); } return $next($request); } }

Quick tip: Don't add this middleware to routes that update the state of the onboarding steps, your users will not be able to progress because they will be redirected back to the onboarding step.


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.


Rias Van der Veken All Contributors

The original code from this package came from Onboard by Caleb Porzio, who was gratious enough to let us continue development.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

