WP Admin UI
A PHP class to build Admin interfaces within the WordPress Dashboard -- includes tables, add/edit forms, sorting, filtering, and exporting.
There are actions and filters all over to enable extending functionality.
Data sources
Custom array of data SQL query that will get manipulated for pagination, sorting, and filteringTable lists
This functionality is ssimilar to WP_List_Table but not an extension of it.
Creating a list table of data Sorting of any column (SQL mode only) Filtering of any column (SQL mode only) Pagination of data Delete items in table Reorder items in table Custom actionsAdd / Edit / Duplicate / View screens
This functionality is similar to the post editor but not an extension of it.
Add new item Edit item Duplicate existing item with add new form View item Custom actionsExports
CSV - Comma-separated Values (w/ Excel support) TSV - Tab-separated Values (w/ Excel support) TXT - Pipe-separated Values (w/ Excel support) XLSX - Excel format, using PHP_XLSXWriter XML - XML 1.0 UTF-8 data JSON - JSON format PDF - PDF printer friendly views, using TCPDF Custom - Custom delimiter separated Values (Update the report screen URL parameters to&action=export&export_type=custom&export_delimiter=#
and change # to whatever delimiter you want)
Column type support
Text Date Time Date + Time Related (via table of data) Boolean (checkbox / yes+no) Number (1,234 Decimal (234.99)