##About skymo skymo is a lightweight Content Management System built using PHP and JSON. it does not use a database.
##Site Structure The structure of a skymo site is held in JSON files. The admin interface allows this to be edited, although not all the features have been implemented
##Pages Pages are the building blocks of a skymo site. A page can be vary from a simple piece of content, to a complex custom piece of functionality (or anything in between).
Field | Description |
URL | The page address which is appended to the base URL |
Title | The page title. (If menu name is not set this is used as the menu name) |
Template | A PHP template which defines the look of the page |
Content | A markdown file which defines the page content |
Menu Name | Which menu appears on this page |
Menu Item | The name of this page as it appears on the menu |
Sections | A list of content snippets which the page includes |
Script | A PHP script which controls the page behaviour |
User Level | User level required to view page. If blank, all users may see this page |
A page generally needs at least either content, a template or a script. However, it may have any or all of these. For example a simple page may just have content and slot directly into the site's master template. A more complex page may have a template and either content or sections (for example a list of news items)
A script may be used in conjunction with a template and/or content to implement more advanced behaviour.
##Admin Interface The admin interface currently allows access to some editing functionality for the site. This includes editing most of the page details above, a markdown editor for the content files and a basic template editor.
As of the current version, the following features are not yet implemented:
Ability to add new page Ability to change the order of site items Script editor Menu editorThese actions can still be achieved by using a file editor on the appropriate site files
##User Level Accessed to the site is determined by user levels. There are six defined user levels, but if required it is possible to add more.
Level | Description | Value |
Guest | Can view the site, but has no access to the Admin interface | 1 |
Registered | Guest has registered with the site, but is not yet approved | 5 |
Approved | An approved registered user | 10 |
Author | Can edit content via the Admin interface | 15 |
Administrator | Can edit content, templates and assign scripts to pages | 20 |
Developer | Can edit everything including scripts | 25 |