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基于PHP、jquery、bootstrap的课程管理系统: login.html是登录界面; admin文件夹是管理员系统; teacher文件夹是教师系统; student文件夹是学生系统; 实现了: 管
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A jQuery plugin that lets you
waitForImages Copyright (c) 2011-2018 Alexander Dickson @alexdickson Licensed under the MIT licenses. http://alexanderdickson.com Donate! Overview Provides useful callbacks once descendant images have
Easily compose images together
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With this package, we can easi
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php 任务管理软件
Jitamin Jitamin (pronounced /ˈdʒɪtəmɪn/) is a free software written in PHP, intended to handle the project management over the web. Jitamin is inspired by vitamin. It also stands for JIT(Just In T
php版的jQuery 向jQuery一样简单的获取html
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