Admin panel: php, jquery, jque
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PHP, Bootstrap and JCrop Image
ImageEdit PHP, Twitter Bootstrap and JCrop Image Editor.With a small font made by IcoMoon using a variety of the fonts supplied there. The editor could be used as a standalone page, embedded as part of
tt-rss plugin to add a "mark a
"Mark as read" plugin for tt-rss This plugin for Tiny Tiny RSS (tt-rss) adds a checkbox in the article footer to mark an article as read and unread just like in dicontinued Google Reader. Installation
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百度智能小程序服务端 OpenAPI SDK for php
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Fork of
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Accessibility layer for Owl Ca
Owl Carousel v2 Accessibility Layer Accessibility layer for Owl Carousel v2. Authorship Written by Geoffrey Roberts License MIT FeaturesKeyboard control (arrow keys)Focusable controls panesARIA attribu
Enables thumbnail support for
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