M2 module for including OwlCar
ClassyLlama OwlCarousel Module for Magento 2 This repository is no longer supported or maintained, and has been archived. This package makes the JavaScript library OwlCarousel available as an M2 module
Video streaming website Netfli
Netflix Frontend Clone Video streaming website Netflix Frontend clone, Built with Pure CSS3 using Flexbox, JS dependencies: OwlCarousel and JQuery hello Demo links Login/landing page https://netflix-fr
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快代理SDK - php 调用API api_guzzle.php 使用 Guzzle 库调用api示例 Guzzle是一个简单强大的http客户端库, 需要安装才能使用:1. 安装composer: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org
携程apollo php client
apollo-client 协程apollo php client for laravel 1、安装 composer require yuanlj-tea/apollo-client 2、使用 require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';use ApolloClientApolloClient;$base_url
open-crypt 简单php加密类,基于openssl 运行环境 PHP 7.2+openssl extension 安装方法 composer require aichenk/open-crypt 使用 $crypt = new Crypt();$crypt-setKey('12345678');//$crypt-setC
php ftp上传类
Kftp php ftp上传类 文档完善中...... 使用demo public function ftp_test(){ $url = 'qxu1146470112.my3w.com'; $acc = 'qxu1146470112'; $pwd = ''; $ftp = new Kftp($url); //登录ftp if($ftp-login($
A plugin for navigating slides
Owl Carousel Scrollbar Plugin This is a simple plugin to setup scrollbar for owl carousel slider. Scrollbar can be of two types: 1) Progress bar and 2) Simple Scroll bar. Dragging the handle will move
Clone of OwlCarousel 1.3.2. as
OwlCarousel v.1.3.2 Touch enabled jQuery plugin that lets you create beautiful responsive carousel slider.Visit Owl Carousel landing page ###Features: ResponsiveTouch EventsMouse Slide EventsFully Cust
cms by thinkphp+dwz+bootstrap
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