Deprecated from version OXID e

OXID Coding Standards This repository includes OXID eShop coding standards definition for PHP Codesniffer along with a PHPStorm autoformat config file. The PHP_CodeSniffer standard will never be 100% a

Middleware for Guzzle v6+ that

Guzzle Retry Middleware This is a Guzzle v6/7+ middleware library that implements automaticretry of requests when HTTP servers respond with 503 or 429 status codes. It can alsobe configured to retry re

PHP Library for the OGame API

#OGetIt OGetIt is a open source library for handling the new OGame API as of version 6. It handles everything from connecting with the API, parsing the API to advanced calculations to get detailed resu

An IPv4/v6 Helper Suite for PH

dTR-IP An IPv4/v6 Helper Suite for PHP Usage: This class takes both IPv6 (expanded and condensed) and IPv4 addresses into consideration. You can create the class by passing an IP and CIDR mask one of t


project_two 基于PHP的论坛网站(Bootstrap)分为两个模块:用户,管理员前端使用Bootstrap+html+css+js和一些jq插件,后端使用PHP首页界面:(栅格布局,两列)左列为

A simple but powerful tweening

TweenJS TweenJS is a simple tweening library for use in Javascript. It was developed to integrate well with the EaselJS library,but is not dependent on or specific to it (though it uses the same Ticker


Tween.js简介 各类缓动算法,效果演示参见: 如何使用参见: 其中animation


描述 这是一个 react 的可自定义样式的分页组件,每项的默认样式、选中样式、以及上一页下一页图标都可以自定义。 安装 install npm i @wenmu/pagination 效果

易开元(EOM,原咖啡与网络(Java & Net))开源组



ip_locating 利用百度地图API来进行IP的高精度定位,源码使用 php ,输入IP地址即可进行查询,前端采用 bootstrap 框架 定位成功后输出位置信息 定位失败后提示

12306 火车票余票查询,symfony/console

12306 余票查询工具 Installation composer install Usage php bin/console ticket:quick-query 北京 上海 2018-02-28 License This library is published under The MIT License.