PHP Based Live Chat Aplication

KChat PHP Based Chat Application. Requirements Web Server Apache or NginxMySQL 5.7PHP version = 8.0Required extensions :ctypecurldomfileinfofilterhashjsonlibxmlmbstringopensslpcrepharsessiontokenizerxm

A framework agnostic PHP libra

BotMan If you want to learn how to create reusable PHP packages yourself, take a look at my upcoming PHP Package Development video course. About BotMan BotMan is a framework agnostic PHP library that i

laravel框架核心精简版composer 搭建

larasimple laravel框架核心精简版composer 搭建 composer直接拉取laravel核心MVC结构 "require": { "php": "=5.6.4", "illuminate/routing": "^5.5", "illuminate/events": "^5.5", "illuminate/da

⚡Typecho简约精致的白色两栏主题。A Typecho

Bigfa A theme for Typecho DEMO: 环境要求 PHP = 5.6.0Typecho = 1.1 下载启用 Star本项目,Code - Download Zip,解压并重命名为 Bigfa 上传至usr/themes文件夹下,后

基于vue+element UI的下拉树组件

ele-select-tree 基于vue+element UI的下拉树 Build Setup # install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build#


基于Vue2+element-ui+AntV X6实现的流程

vue-flow-x6-demoProject setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve Compiles and minifies for production npm run build Lints and fixes files npm run lint Customize configur

Use PHP.Yaf && Charisma create

Use Yaf Charisma create a grid Scaffold @author Yaf(PHP扩展框架框架Yet Another Framework) Yaf.Scaffold 免费、开源的脚手架工具.在一次项目中,使用Yaf与Charisma搭

Robust and easy to use PHP Fra

Agile UI - Robust and easy to use PHP Framework for Web Apps Agile UI implement server side rendering engine and over 50 UI generic components for interacting with your data. Agile UI is the quickest w

Open-source software for volun

BOINC is a software platform for "volunteer computing":large-scale distributed high-throughput computing using volunteered home computers and other resources. If you're interested in donating your own

Minimal MatLab file parser for

AESSeizurePrediction This is a project originally for a competition on Kaggle.comHowever, having realized there were no Matlab libraries for PHP, I decided to write one myself. Taking the .mat files fr