Retrowave Game built for Expo with THREE.js, OpenGL, WebGL, and Tween. Race through the underbelly of Cyberspace The story follows a mystic neo-sage Chucky Cheevs who fights off the boring-bots known a

A lightweight tweening micro-f

Simple Tween JS Simple Tween JS is a tiny microframework for easily integrating Tweens by dropping in a file. The performance is uber optimized and has a minimal impact on your application. Its origina


WeChat-PlatForm-PHP 基于PHP对微信公众号进行开发,官网开发者平台给的接口说明比较详细,这里主要是几个例子 ### Author:DMINER### 使用说

laravel WeChat pay lib (微信支付la

WxPay laravel WeChat pay lib (laravel微信支付扩展包,基于官方php_v3版) 使用步骤 1.1 使用composer安装本扩展 composer require apptut/wx-pay 1.2 添加WxServiceProvider到config/ap


myblog 使用laravel创建一个完整的博客,通过该项目尽快熟悉使用各种软件工具 使用的软件工具 Laravel Framework 5.6.13 Laravel Installer 2.0.1 Laravel Homestead 7.3.0 PHP


MessageBoard 一个简单的留言板,web安全课程设计做的,不足之处欢迎补充。 使用Apache服务器,MySQL数据库测试可行。使用时需要建立数据库,数据库的具体关

一个基于 PHP 和 Laravel 开发的留言板(毕业设计

The MIT License (MIT)Copyright (c) 2019 星Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ofthis software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal inth


mycode php验证码类,GD库 ##1.使用方法:require("./src/mycode.php"); $config=array('len'=6, //验证码字符长度,默认是4'time'=60,//有效期,默认是600秒'num'=1,//验证码编号,

Parallax scroll animation libr

ScrollTween.js Parallax scroll animation library which can run on mobile. This program is licensed under MIT License.

pixi-tween is a plugin for Pix

pixi-tween pixi-tween is a plugin for Pixi.js v3.0.8 or higher to create tween animations. Online examples: Easing, TweenPath Installation npm install pixi-tween UsageBrowserify - Webpack If you use Br


mon-captcha php验证码库 支持图像拖拽、数字、英文字符、数学计算、中文等多种图片验证码类型支持自定义验证码存储驱动支持自定义扩展验证码类型 安装