PHP shopping cart core platfor

Zen Kommerce Core Introduction Zen Kommerce is a PHP shopping cart system written with SOLID design principles.It is PSR compatible, dependency free, and contains 100% code coverage using TDD practices

Responsive, Multi-Vendor, Mult

Shopping Cart Solution - CodeIgniter and Bootstrap Bootsrap Responsive Multi-Vendor, MultiLanguage Online Shop Platform Current versions: Codeigniter 3.1.13 (CodeIgniter Foundation)Bootstrap 3.3.7 Dona


boa boa - a configurable php framework boa是一款免费开源、灵活易用的配置式PHP框架,MVC设计模式,完全面向对象,易学易用、便于快速开发。 【安装】 命令行下

简洁却强大的高性能框架 Simple but powerfu

害羞框架 Shy Framework 简洁却强大的高性能框架 Simple but powerful high performance framework 框架实现简洁、功能强大、覆盖全面,正如她的名字: Shy——纤细身形、


XCrawler - 轻量级、易维护的PHP爬虫框架 特性 极易上手,具备完善的文档和示例支持多并发爬取支持失败重试、代理、断点续爬完善的爬取进度日志支持基于

A wrapper dokuwiki-plugin for

dokuwiki-plugin-date A wrapper plugin for the php functions strftime and date. This plugin gives you the possibilities of the strftime or date function. With the relative date/time formats for the strt


下拉参照 RefCombobox何时使用 下拉参照 如何使用 $ ynpm install ref-combobox --save引入import RefComboBoxBaseUI from 'ref-combobox';样式import 'ref-combobox/lib/index.css';或者impor


关于element UI 的input搜索下拉框的两种匹配方

inputsearch input search function querySearch(queryString, cb) { var restaurants = this.restaurants; var results = queryString ? restaurants.filter(this.createFilter(queryString)) : restaurants; // 调用

Translate date/time format bet

date-format-conversion Translate date/time format between two PHP functions date() and strftime()

Display date in Thai use same

Thaidate Component Display date in Thai by using same PHP date() and strftime() function attributes. echo thaidate('วันlที่ j F พ.ศ.Y เวลาH:i:s');// results: วันพฤหั