PHP 常用的一些功能模块demo
Todo List xlsWrite - excel解析项目 Document IDE Helper: composer require viest/php-ext-xlswriter-ide-helper:dev-master xlswrote是一个PHP C扩展,可用于在Excel 2007 + XLSX文件读取数据,
Javascript panorama viewer bas
Deprecated This repository will be deprecated due to the rapidly evolving JavaScript ecosystem and the increasing difficulty of keeping up with the changes in the Three.js API. Over the years, the Thre
Physics plugin for Three.js
PhysijsPhysics plugin for three.js Physijs brings a very easy to use interface to the three.js framework. One of the reasons three.js is so popular is because it is so incredibly easy for graphics newb
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JavaScript 3D Library.
three.js JavaScript 3D library The aim of the project is to create an easy to use, lightweight, cross-browser, general purpose 3D library. The current builds only include a WebGL renderer but WebGPU (e
wechat_chatgpt 一个PHP文件对接chatgpt实现微信公众号自动回复 #第9行:$OPENAI_API_KEY = "OPEN_AI_KEY你的KEY"; 把“OPEN_AI_KEY你的KEY”修改成自己gpt的KEY #第50行: 把“
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Information GitLab Project Framework Plugins Laravel 10.x Required PHP = 8.1 Usage Lily's Homework Lily's Homework php artisan app:homework1 如果這是 For 客戶 production 的產品,我會移除
sjwb A Vue.js project Build Setup # install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build==/dist# build for production
这是一个基础的Hyperf,写好了登录 、jwt验证、完
#运行命令php bin/hyperf.php start #访问路径http:// #登录接口http:// POSTbody:{"username":"test","password":"123123"} #退出登录接口http://
KuaishouParser 开源许可证: Learn More 快手短视频批量下载脚本 此项目采用 OwOFrame 进行的后端构建, 需要配套使用. 项目地址: 点我 本项目仅用于学习交流等途径
运行方法npm installnpm run watch生成打包文件,在浏览器打开index.html,预览效果功能介绍 本项目开发建立在可汗学院的math-input基础之上([传送门])(https://g