A PHP code-quality tool
GrumPHP Sick and tired of defending code quality over and over again? GrumPHP will do it for you!This composer plugin will register some git hooks in your package repository.When somebody commits chang
Send your projects up in the c
Rocketeer is unfortunately not maintained anymore and this repository is archived I recommend to pivot to Deployer and/or CD pipelines The Gitter chat will stay open for discussions and helping each ot
Mobile-Office-server 作者:阿柯(化名) 微办公App的服务器源码(PHP),源码是由我队友阿柯开发的 选取框架:thinkphp License See the LICENSE file.
Mobile-Office-server服务端源码,如果本项目对您有帮助,欢迎Star一下!!! Mobile-Office 安卓源码 个人与队友(老王,阿彬)第一个参赛的作品,移动微办公应用
EvaOAuth provides a standard i
EvaOAuth EvaOAuth provides a standard interface for OAuth1.0 / OAuth2.0 client authorization, it is easy to integrate with any PHP project by very few lines code. 中文文档 Features Standard interfa
Image PHP图片处理类,可以保存线上图片到本地、图片添加水印、制作海报。 使用方法(TP5.0框架为例): 1.引入类库 Vendor('hsk99.image.Image'); 2.实例化类 $this-i
基于Appserv、php、Mysql技术实现数码商城网页设计(详细README.md文档见Read文件夹) 一、项目介绍 1.1 项目背景 本次项目是大二下期间修Web开发设计课程而开发,
DigitalMail-数码商城网站 PHP程序设计课程大作业——基于PHP、MySQL的数码商城 PHP程序设计课程大作业 项目人员 xay2001 , drh SCNU 软件工程19 DigitalMail DigitalMail是