PHP/ExtJS-based web developmen
Внимание, стабильная ветка 2.x DVelum 3.x PHP/ExtJS-based web development platform DVelum is a professional web-development platform based on PHP and ExtJS that aims at automatin
Framework and CMS based on Zen
Koala Framework open source framework for web applications and websites Powered by Php, Zend Framework, ExtJS and MySQL. Application Framework Build desktop like web app
My DIY fitness tracker journey
Endurain A self-hosted fitness tracking service Warning This project is currently in Alpha state. You can try it out at your own risk, but be aware that things might break and DATA LOSS may occur. Endu
Stupidly simple DIY web archiv
Hako Stupidly simple self-hosted web page archiving tool written in PHP. Features Archive web pages instantly using a bookmarkletReadability functionalityBasic password protection Dependencies Monolith
Home automation platform
What is MajorDoMo MajorDoMo (Major Domestic Module) is an open-source DIY smarthome automation platform aimed to be used in multi-protocol and multi-services environment. It is based on web-technologie
douban_user_php php采集豆瓣用户资料:id、姓名、头像 代码在 douban.php 文件 laravel ^8.0 querylist ^4.2 为什么会有这个需求? 做游戏项目刚开始是没有用户的,使用
豆瓣 PHP SDK 只写了几个常用的接口,剩下的有需要时再继续加。 Requirement PHP = 5.5guzzlehttp/guzzle Installation composer require tingv/douban-php-sdk Disclaimer 此项目只是本
豆瓣API爬虫项目 php 采用 thinkphp5.2框架
douban 豆瓣API爬虫项目 php 采用 thinkphp5.2框架 项目在 xhboke的基础上进行修改 感谢 xhboke项目文档暂时参考 后期会更新