Your turnkey gaming website, 1
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SEBLOD SEBLOD is a Web Application Builder Content Construction Kit (CCK) for Joomla! Getting Started DemoManualsForums Going Further ClubsMarketplaceSupport Get Involved? Anyone that want to help get
SPIP SPIP (Système de Publication pour Internet) est un logiciel libre permettant de créer des sites internets,maintenu par sa communauté avec tendresse. Pour démarrer Configuration requiseVersions
new-vue-file README you can new a vue file convenient and fast。 vscode扩展搜索「newVueFile」即可体验。 根据自己的需求,自动生成.vue模板文件,免去手工复制的代码的工
tinymceTemplate tinymce自定义插件模板 介绍请看博客:
#礼品卡小程序###目录 ├── dist //项目静态资源│├── images //项目用到的图片资源 │├── pages //页面结构│ ├── index //首页 显示商品轮播及卡面
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Grav Grav is a Fast , Simple , and Flexible , file-based Web-platform. There is Zero installation required. Just extract the ZIP archive, and you are already up and running. It follows similar principl
This application is developed
LMS SOLUTION This application is developed from HTML/ CSS/ Bootstrap V5.1.3, Frontend from Javascript and AJAX and backend from PHP 7.4. This is a Library Database Application developed using Oracle. F
php + hyperf + edge-tts 实现 输入文
Introduction This is a skeleton application using the Hyperf framework. This application is meant to be used as a starting place for those looking to get their feet wet with Hyperf Framework. Requireme
A simple class PHP that shorte
shortUrl A simple class PHP that shortens long links into manageable, trackable links using some web service link,,
Coole is a PHP framework built
Coole is a PHP framework built on open source components. - Coole 是一个基于开源组件构建的 PHP 框架。 简体中文 | ENGLISH Documentation Life cycle Requirement P