Video / audio conversion, thum

Flexible audio/video conversions and thumbnailing for hi php ies.Wraps around ffmpeg and ffprobeand exposes most of their features, like scaling, clipping, filters, transcoding, audio extractionand muc

An online marketplace (flea ma

About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain


A dragable Buffer using arcgis Javascript api 4 DEMO a Dragable Buffer,you change the radius of the circle by draging the div 拖动div可以改变圆圈的大小。


watermark.js Usage div id="demo_div" style="width: 1300px; height: 1400px;"/div...script src="watermark.js" charset="utf-8"/script This code creates a watermark preview, with text image and Lattice poi

We must run a test before beginning to operate a new machine. Because the operator controls with his wire or thread only this centre, the attached limbs are just what they should be.… lifeless, pure

vue-cropperjs 例子,图片剪切插件,官方地址:h

vue_cropperjs_demo A Vue.js project Build Setup # install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build# build for pro

Library for generate html to P

codeigniter-3-generate-to-pdf Library for generate html to PDF, by DOM-PDF Intro Ini adalah sample code untuk meng-generate file html ke PDF. Pada sample ini saya menggunakan library DOM-PDF Anda bisa

DOMPDF module for Laravel 5

pdf-laravel5 DOMPDF module for Laravel 5. Export your views as PDFs - with css support. Instalation Add: "vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^2.0" To your composer.json or Run: composer require vsmoraes/laravel-p

PHP Utility tool to extracting

UnPhar PHP Utility tool to extracting a Phar (PHP Archive) file in batch mode. Requirements PHP: 7.1.0 Usage There is two main folders: out/ and phars/ . Please put all your .phar files into phars/ fol

PHP 5.3 library to help launch

FSCBatch PHP 5.3 library to help you run huge batch. It takes a PagerfantaAdapterInterface (doctrine orm, propel, array, solarium etc... available) as a data source,will get data in slice of the size o

Amazon Web Services CloudWatch

AWS CloudWatch Logs Handler for Monolog Handler for PHP logging library Monolog for sending log entries toAWS CloudWatch Logs service. Before using this library, it's recommended to get acquainted with