Node-express-mongoose-Blog 使用node+express+mongoDB实现的个人博客系统用户登录注册模板 前言 Node开发个人博客系统初探,目前实现了登录注册功能,后续将继续更
Open Source Web based SMS Mana
Kalkun - Open Source Web-based SMS Manager Kalkun is an open source web-based SMS (Short Message Service) manager. It uses gammu-smsd (part of gammu family) as SMS gateway engine to deliver and retriev
Data Acess Object in php
DAO Project information: Language: PHP Project: Data Acess ObjectIntegration: PHP and MySql Description: This project was developed with the focus on facilitating the execution of transactions regardin
Score 基于PHP的查分客户端,已知适用于某网上阅卷系统的2016及2017版。 来历 出于方便广大同学,我们开发了上一代客户端。 后来那套系统炸了……连同A
A web app to create SWF files
SWF Generator A web app to create SWF files from ActionScript code using Flex SDK. Getting Started This is one of my oldest projects I just updated things and wanted to share here, maybe someone needs
Hostel Management System DBMS
Hostel-Management-System JKLU HMS is a complete all in one Hostel Management System specially designed for the both Student warden. Working with JKLU HMS is as simple as chatting on social network. JKL
Updated versions of Actionscri
deterministicHiddenCause_Experiment_2 Updated version of dethc. The larger web interface in which this sub-interface is embedded is currently missing from public repo.
AG-Gate 是一个基于spring cloud的用户资源
简介 AG-Gate 是一个基于spring cloud的用户资源授权、api管理授权的网关系统,以jwt交互的鉴权token来实施,支持基于Eureka注册中心下的服务鉴权和拦截,同时
RDF triples import, export and
RDFIO Extension for Semantic MediaWiki Updates Sep 4, 2017: Our paper on RDFIO was just published! If you use RDFIO in scientific work, please cite: Lampa S, Willighagen E, Kohonen P, King A, Vrandečić
Geek-Framework 微服务快速开发脚手架平台简介 Geek-Framework是基于多个优秀的开源项目,高度整合封装而成的高效,高性能,强安全性的 开源 Java微服务快速开
提供了 Tabs, Slide, Carousel 等功能的
Switchable switchable 是提供了 Tabs, Slide, Carousel 等功能的一个 jQuery 切换组件。 基础使用HTML 结构 div class="j-switchable" data-switch='json'!-- Root 节点 加上 "switchable"