A MediaWiki API wrapper for PH
Wikimate Wikimate is a PHP wrapper for theMediaWiki Action APIthat aims to be very easy to use.It currently consists of three classes: Wikimate – Serves as a loader and manager for different wiki obj
Wikia Application Code
Wikia MediaWiki app About this repository This is the source code of FANDOM's custom MediaWiki 1.19 installation, including extensions.As it is not designed to be portable, it is not considered to be s
Email parse and validation fun
choval/email_parse Email functions for validating and parsing emails. Why PHP's filter_var doesn't validate Unicode emails.Punycode~Why not? Install composer require choval/email_parse Functions email_
Swiss Army knife for urls.
A Swiss Army knife for URLs This package is for you when PHP's parse_url() is not enough. Key Features: Parse a URL and access or modify all its components separately.Resolve any relative reference you
This package can provide the d
FusionCharts - API http://www.fusioncharts.com/ PHPClasses Description This package can provide the data to generate graphical charts using the FusionCharts Library. It provides a base class that can g
php application I wrote that u
metrics-dashboard php application I wrote that uses FusionCharts (http://www.fusioncharts.com/) to pull data from a MySQL database and format it as xML, which is passed to the FusionChart swf
weapp-component-tabbar 微信小程序自定义组件:带未读数目的tab按钮 组件的使用 可以直接复制dist中的文件,到你的项目的pages页。如果放到其他的目录,需要相
react-tab react实现的tab切换组件 使用方法 TabsControl div name = "first" ... /div div name = "second" ... /div div name = "third" ... /div /TabsControl
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Tugas MK Pemrograman Web II, s
SIAKAD :: Tugas Project Pemrograman Web 2 Sebuah project base tentang sistem akademik menggunakan PHP, Codeigniter 4 dan MySQL. Gert Started Pastikan sudah mengaktifkan ekstensi intl. Jika anda menggun
PHP API and REST interface for
Livestatus-API A PHP library and REST API endpoint for interacting with nagios via the socketprovided by mk-livestatus. It can both query data about object states in theNagios server and issue Nagios c