This is a cleaned up and secur
Clean and secured version from CodeIgniter This is a cleaned up and secured version of CodeIgniter 3.1.4. The index.php file of the CodeIgniter instance has been moved to the public folder for security
Introduction This article, aim
This article, aimed at plugin developers, describes how to add Ajax to a plugin. Before reading this article, you should be familiar with the following:
The project’s primary goals co
The project’s primary goals consist of: A robust and effective web based online banking system. Extending functionality without compromising the security. Personal banking services that gives you com
Forum thread: http://pbxinafla
FreePBX-AvantFAX About: Josh North - This started as a need for a module to link to the Ubuntu PIAF with Asterisk link. I forked from FreepBX/helloworld as a jumping-off point.
博客后台管理系统 (PHP+Apache+Mysql+jQu
技术栈 — 前端 DOM操作:jQuery模板插件:Art-template分页插件:Pagination后端服务器:Apache交互逻辑:PHP数据库Mysql可视化工具:navicat
ThinkPHP 5.0 ThinkPHP5在保持快速开发和大道至简的核心理念不变的同时,PHP版本要求提升到5.4,对已有的CBD模式做了更深的强化,优化核心,减少依赖,基于全
wkPreview原生的支持 PC 和移动端的图片预览安装 npm i -S wk-preview or yarn add wk-preview 使用 import wkPreview from "wk-preview";wkPreview({ mount: document.body, sourceList: [(ImgUrl