
FizeDoc PHP 文档生成器 开发者最讨厌的两件事:写文档!别人不写文档! “我代码已经足够优美,看代码,哪里还需要什么文档!”、“没有文档让我看什

php 注释生成文档调试工具

概要 这是一个php注释生成接口文档调试工具支持模块化生成文档支持权限验证可指定模块生成链接 安装 github克隆到项目根目录下 git clone

One simple SMTP email class by

intuition This is a very simple class of PHP mail sendingSupports UTF-8 , supports sending attachments. 一个支持附件的php邮件发送类 require it need these ext in php: 需要开启以下PHP扩展

Simple wrapper class for PHP's

Imap A PHP wrapper class for PHP's IMAP-related email handling functions. This class includes many convenience methods to help take the headache out ofdealing with emails in PHP. For example, email han

PHP class for sending emails w

About Mail This class is a no-frills way to send emails. I wrote it originally as part of my DirtyMVC framework, because I wanted to reduce/eliminate that application's dependency on external libraries


ThinkPHP 5.0 开发手册 : ThinkPHP5在保持快速开发和大道至简的核心理念不变的同时,PHP版本要求提升到5.4,对已有的CBD模

Date & time picker for jQuery,

jquery-simple-datetimepicker (jquery.simple-dtpicker.js) Date and time picker, it's simple clean. (jQuery plugin) Details and examples: Your feedb

A React component for choosing

react-date-range A date library agnostic React component for choosing dates and date ranges. Uses date-fns for date operations. Notice This project is currently unmaintained because the original mainta

Amaze UI styled bootstrap-date

Amaze UI Datetime Picker 该项目来自 bootstrap-datetimepicker,只修改了样式,和 Amaze UI 统一风格,需结Amaze UI 的 CSS 使用。 使用演示使用说明 使用说明: 获取 Ama


unlimited-classification 一个简单的符合面向对象设计风格的PHP无限级分类实现 创建好数据库表(sql文件夹中)dbDemo里面配置好数据库配置执行app.php即可

php 无限级分类

?php // require('PHPTree.class.php');//原始数据, 从数据库读出$data = array(array('id'=1,'name'='book','parent_id'=0),array('id'=2,'name'='music','parent_id'=0),array('id'=3,'name'='book1','pa