Cypht: Lightweight Open Source

Cypht All your E-mail, from all your accounts, in one place. Cypht is not yourfather's webmail. Unless you are one of my daughters, in which case it is yourfather's webmail. Cypht is

To run the web service from yo

Simple-3-parameter-web-service To run the web service from your computer, please folow these instructions: Download php 7.3 from here: up php environment variables b

Api con laravel v8.70.2 php 7.

About Laravel Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable and creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel takes the pain

fait en Php 5.4.12, mysql 5.6.

AnnuaireDesMusee fait en Php 5.4.12, mysql 5.6.12, apache 2.4.4 l'index du site est AnnuMusee/controlleurs/indexControlleur.php nom de la base db_annutable musee,catalogue,possede dans models/bd.phpmod

Exploits locked/password prote

PoisonTap - siphons cookies, exposes internal router installs web backdoor on locked computers Created by @SamyKamkar || When PoisonTap (Raspberry Pi Zero Node.js) is plugged into a loc

Hapi Auth using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) The authentication scheme/plugin for Hapi.js apps using JSON Web Tokens This node.js module (Hapi plugin) lets you use JSON Web Tokens (JWTs)for authentication in

A simple Vue.js plugin for han

vue-cookies A simple Vue.js plugin for handling browser cookies InstallationBrowser script src=""/script script src=""

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PHP Asterisk Manager Interface

![Click here to lend your support to: PAMI and make a donation at !](' border='0') Introduction PAMI means PHP Asterisk Manager Inter

PHP AGI ( Asterisk Gateway Int

![Click here to lend your support to: PAGI and make a donation at !](' border='0') Introduction This framework is intended to simply

pH7 Social Dating Builder ⚡️ The 2023 Social Dating Killer WebApp Builder