CentOS + Nginx + PHP7 + MySQL8
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简单的微信公众号项目,使用cake php书写
简单的微信公众号项目,使用cake php书写 微信项目教程: http://www.cnblogs.com/txw1958/p/wechat-tutorial.htmlhttp://mp.weixin.qq.com/wiki/6/ae98ac4a7219405153cedc9dddccacca.html php教程
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php对微信公众号的API的调用 需自定义一个类并继承 RadishWeChatWeChat 自定义CaChe抽象方法 public function cacheGet($key = 'access_token', $default = false); public function cach
Port of Python calendar.py mod
calendar.js Functions inspired by the calendar module from the Python standard library. The monthDates function builds an array of weeks to display one month,starting on Sunday (default) or Monday. Eac
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Google Calendar API connection
Google-Calendar Google Calendar library for Node.js npm install google-calendar For 0.0.x users This module (1.x.x) has been redesigned completely, so it is incompatible with the old version. The 0.0.x
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A starter pack for beginning d
Silex Starter Pack The Silex Starter Pack is a simple bootstrap to help you begin your project with Silex. It includes: An admin login system and control panel (styled mostly using Bootstrap)A very bas