This application is built usin
Stock-Inventory-Management-System This application is built using HTML,CSS,JS,Materialize CSS,AJAX,PHP and SQL
NukeViet CMS is multi Content
Introduction about NukeViet NukeViet is the first opensource CMS in Vietnam. The lastest version - NukeViet 4 coding ground up support lastest web technologies, include reponsive web design (use HTML 5
This library unleashes everyth
PHP + jQuery + AJAX + File upload Enter phery.js, the swiss army knife of jQuery and PHP Highlights Subscribe on the client and publish on the server, and execute functions bound to elements fast and e
DWITRI is a Social Networking
ABOUT DWITRI is a Social Networking Script based by Codeigniter (PHP) to build your own community site. By using this script you can build awesome website. There is some modules included on it: Timelin
routerProject setup npm install Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve Compiles and minifies for production npm run build Customize configuration See Configuration Reference.
AK作业答案互助平台 该平台被我做了好几百小时, 但是现在看来, 于笔记系统相比, 实在是太差了. 现在免费分享给大家!! 大部分敏感信息如密码和身份证码
目录 MicroTemplate是什么MicroTemplate功能详解PHP模板引擎的思考 内容 MicroTemplate是什么 平时在项目中,我们或多或少会使用模板引擎,其中最常见的有sma
rongqiangqin_baiduspeech 百度语音合成sdk(php)-基于官方sdk #使用方法 use rongqiangqinbaiduspeechAipSpeech; $APP_ID = 'your-id'; $API_KEY = 'your-key'; $SECRET_KEY = 'your-key'; $client = n
百度语音识别与合成SDK for PHP
baiduyuyin-sdk 百度语音SDK for PHP,支持语音识别、语音合成。 要求 php = 5.3.0 安装 composer require "gdali/baiduyuyin-sdk:dev-master" 使用 BaiduToken:获取百度token,并保存