基于 WordPress SEO 插件的简化版本
=== Wizhi SEO ===Contributors: iwillhappy1314Donate link: https://yoast.com/License: GPLv3License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.htmlTags: seo, SEO, Yoast SEO, google, meta, meta description, sea
php-proxy 纯PHP写的代理程序,用于移动程序抓包 应用场景 移动app抓包分析。 优点: 不需要安装任何额外的软件,只要有apache就可以可以根据url来自定义返
SCNUCPC 2020 代码打印队列
SCNUCPC 2020 代码打印队列 DOMjudge print_command 配置如下: t=[teamname] f=/var/www/scnuoj/domjudge_print cp [file] $f cd $f mv [file] team[teamid]-T$(date +"%m%d%H%M%S").[language] rm -rf p
多级导航插件思路结构 children: [ { dirname: 'monitor', name: '实时监测', children: [ { filename: 'run', name: '实时运行情况', }, { filename: 'searchtrack', name: '车辆轨迹查询
HTML 点击烟花爆炸动效。预览效果图 本项目提供了两个脚本文件和一个Canvas组件,并给出示例,插入到HTML中,即可实现在页面点击时,会弹出烟花爆炸的动
PHP Class to get TrueType font
TTFInfo Retrieve data stored in a TTF files 'name' table in PHP How to use $ttfInfo = (new TTFInfo())-setFontFile('path/to/ttf/file');$fontInfo = $ttfInfo-getFontInfo();$postscript = $fontInfo[TTFInfo:
PHP + MySQL Multi Language Swi
---------------------|INSTALLATION|---------------------Install: - Create table for languages like:+-----------+-------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Defau
A high-performance solution fo
Zebra cURL A high-performance solution for making HTTP requests from your PHP projects. It allows running of multiple requests concurrently, asynchronously, supports GET, POST, HEADER, PUT, PATCH, a
一个简单的PHP MVC框架,简单实现了各项功能,内
lanframework-php 一个简单的PHP MVC框架,简单实现了各项功能,内置了两种模式即输出json以及页面渲染模式来满足各类需求。 应用文件:Application 框架文件: