A very lightweight library for


A minimalist library for Roman numeral operations.

Features Convert Arabic numerals to Roman numerals Ⅶ Convert Roman numerals to Arabic numerals Validate Roman numerals Add Roman numerals Subtract Roman numerals Get Roman numerals within a range Installation

It can be installed with npm.

npm i toroman Usage

const roman = require("toRoman"); Convert integer to Roman numerals: toRoman

/** * toRoman - Convert an integer to Roman numerals * @param { number } value Integer to be converted to Roman numerals * @returns { string } Roman numeral representation of the input value */ function toRoman(value: number): string | Error {}


console.log(roman.toRoman(765)); // Returns DCCLXV Convert Roman numeral to integer: fromRoman

/** * fromRoman - Convert Roman numeral to integer * @param { string } value Roman numeral to be converted to integer * @returns { number } Integer representation of the input value */ export function fromRoman(value: string): number | Error {}


console.log(roman.fromRoman("DCCLXV")); // Returns 765 Confirm if string is valid Roman numeral: isRoman

/** * isRoman - Confirm that string is a valid Roman numeral * @param { string } value String to be tested * @returns { boolean } true or false */ export function isRoman(value: string): true | Error {}


console.log(roman.isRoman("MMMCCXXXIV")); // Returns true Sum Roman numerals and get output as Roman numeral or numbers: sum

/** * @param args Roman numerals to be added * @returns { string } Final Roman numeral */ export function sum( expected: "number" | "roman", ...args: string[] ): string | number | Error {}


console.log(roman.sum("number", "X", "MXC")); // Returns 1100 Get difference between two Roman numerals and get output as Roman numeral or numbers: diff

/** * @param expected { string } Expected response type * @param numerals { string[] } Roman numerals to subtract * @returns { string | number } */ export function diff(expected: "number" | "roman", numerals: string[]) {}


console.log(roman.diff("number", ["X", "MXC"])); // Returns 1080 Get a range of Roman numerals: range

/** * Get range of Roman numerals * @param end { string | number } Value to stop at * @param start { string | number } Value to start from * @param intervals { string | number } Difference between values */ export function range( end: string | number, start: string | number = "I", intervals: string | number = "I" ): string[] | Error {}


console.log(roman.range(7)); // Returns [ 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII' ]

console.log(roman.range("IX")); // Returns [ 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX' ]

console.log(roman.range(12, 7)); // Returns [ 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX', 'X', 'XI', 'XII' ]

console.log(roman.range(12, "IX")); // Returns [ 'IX', 'X', 'XI', 'XII' ]

console.log(roman.range(22, 3, 5)); // Returns [ 'III', 'VIII', 'XIII', 'XVIII' ] Found this project useful?

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