A datepicker / datetimepicker
A Datepicker Component For Vue2
For Vue 3.0, you can use vue-datepicker-next from the same author
Install$ npm install vue2-datepicker --save Usage
<script> import DatePicker from 'vue2-datepicker'; import 'vue2-datepicker/index.css'; export default { components: { DatePicker }, data() { return { time1: null, time2: null, time3: null, }; }, }; </script> <template> <div> <date-picker v-model="time1" valueType="format"></date-picker> <date-picker v-model="time2" type="datetime"></date-picker> <date-picker v-model="time3" range></date-picker> </div> </template> Theme
If your project uses SCSS, you can change the default style variables.
To create a scss file. e.g. datepicker.scss
$namespace: 'xmx'; // change the 'mx' to 'xmx'. then <date-picker prefix-class="xmx" /> $default-color: #555; $primary-color: #1284e7; @import '~vue2-datepicker/scss/index.scss'; Internationalization
The default language of v3.x is English. If you need other locales, you can import a locale file. Once you import a locale, it becomes the active locale.
import DatePicker from 'vue2-datepicker'; import 'vue2-datepicker/index.css'; import 'vue2-datepicker/locale/zh-cn';
You can also override some of the default locale by lang
Full config
<script> export default { data() { return { lang: { formatLocale: { firstDayOfWeek: 1, }, monthBeforeYear: false, }, }; }, }; </script> <template> <date-picker :lang="lang"></date-picker> </template> Props
Prop | Description | Type | Default |
type | select the type of picker | date |datetime|year|month|time|week | 'date' |
range | if true, pick the range date | boolean |
false |
format | to set the date format. similar to moment.js | token | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
formatter | use your own formatter, such as moment.js | object | - |
value-type | data type of the binding value | value-type | 'date' |
default-value | default date of the calendar | Date |
new Date() |
lang | override the default locale | object |
placeholder | input placeholder text | string |
'' |
editable | whether the input is editable | boolean |
true |
clearable | if false, don't show the clear icon | boolean |
true |
confirm | if true, need click the button to change value | boolean |
false |
confirm-text | the text of confirm button | string |
'OK' |
multiple | if true, multi-select date | boolean |
false |
disabled | disable the component | boolean |
false |
disabled-date | specify the date that cannot be selected | (date: Date, currentValue: Date[]) => boolean |
- |
disabled-time | specify the time that cannot be selected | (date: Date) => boolean |
- |
append-to-body | append the popup to body | boolean |
true |
inline | without input | boolean |
false |
input-class | input classname | string |
'mx-input' |
input-attr | input attrs(eg: { name: 'date', id: 'foo'}) | object |
— |
open | open state of picker | boolean |
- |
default-panel | default panel of the picker | year|month | - |
popup-style | popup style | object |
— |
popup-class | popup classes | — | |
shortcuts | set shortcuts to select | Array<{text, onClick}> |
- |
title-format | format of the tooltip in calendar cell | token | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
partial-update | whether update date when select year or month | boolean |
false |
range-separator | text of range separator | string |
' ~ ' |
show-week-number | determine whether show week number | boolean |
false |
hour-step | interval between hours in time picker | 1 - 60 | 1 |
minute-step | interval between minutes in time picker | 1 - 60 | 1 |
second-step | interval between seconds in time picker | 1 - 60 | 1 |
hour-options | custom hour column | Array<number> |
- |
minute-options | custom minute column | Array<number> |
- |
second-options | custom second column | Array<number> |
- |
show-hour | whether show hour column | boolean |
base on format |
show-minute | whether show minute column | boolean |
base on format |
show-second | whether show second column | boolean |
base on format |
use12h | whether show ampm column | boolean |
base on format |
show-time-header | whether show header of time picker | boolean |
false |
time-title-format | format of the time header | token | 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
time-picker-options | set fixed time list to select | time-picker-options | null |
prefix-class | set prefix class | string |
'mx' |
scroll-duration | set the duration of scroll when hour is selected | number |
100 |
Uint | Token | output |
Year | YY | 70 71 ... 10 11 |
YYYY | 1970 1971 ... 2010 2011 | |
Y | -1000 ...20 ... 1970 ... 9999 +10000 | |
Month | M | 1 2 ... 11 12 |
MM | 01 02 ... 11 12 | |
MMM | Jan Feb ... Nov Dec | |
MMMM | January February ... November December | |
Day of Month | D | 1 2 ... 30 31 |
DD | 01 02 ... 30 31 | |
Day of Week | d | 0 1 ... 5 6 |
dd | Su Mo ... Fr Sa | |
ddd | Sun Mon ... Fri Sat | |
dddd | Sunday Monday ... Friday Saturday | |
AM/PM | A | AM PM |
a | am pm | |
Hour | H | 0 1 ... 22 23 |
HH | 00 01 ... 22 23 | |
h | 1 2 ... 12 | |
hh | 01 02 ... 12 | |
Minute | m | 0 1 ... 58 59 |
mm | 00 01 ... 58 59 | |
Second | s | 0 1 ... 58 59 |
ss | 00 01 ... 58 59 | |
Fractional Second | S | 0 1 ... 8 9 |
SS | 00 01 ... 98 99 | |
SSS | 000 001 ... 998 999 | |
Time Zone | Z | -07:00 -06:00 ... +06:00 +07:00 |
ZZ | -0700 -0600 ... +0600 +0700 | |
Week of Year | w | 1 2 ... 52 53 |
ww | 01 02 ... 52 53 | |
Unix Timestamp | X | 1360013296 |
Unix Millisecond Timestamp | x | 1360013296123 |
The formatter
accepts an object to customize formatting.
<date-picker :formatter="momentFormat" />
data() { return { // Use moment.js instead of the default momentFormat: { //[optional] Date to String stringify: (date) => { return date ? moment(date).format('LL') : '' }, //[optional] String to Date parse: (value) => { return value ? moment(value, 'LL').toDate() : null }, //[optional] getWeekNumber getWeek: (date) => { return // a number } } } } value-type
set the format of binding value
Value | Description |
'date' | return a Date object |
'timestamp' | return a timestamp number |
'format' | returns a string formatted using pattern of format |
token(MM/DD/YYYY) | returns a string formatted using this pattern |
The shortcuts for the range picker
[ { text: 'today', onClick: () => new Date() }, { text: 'Yesterday', onClick: () => { const date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() - 3600 * 1000 * 24); return date; }, }, ];
Attribute | Description |
text | title of the shortcut |
onClick | callback function , need to return a Date |
Set fixed time list to select;
{start: '00:00', step:'00:30' , end: '23:30', format: 'HH:mm' }
Attribute | Description |
start | start time |
step | step time |
end | end time |
format | the default is same as prop format |
Name | Description | Callback Arguments |
input | When the value change(v-model event) | date |
change | When the value change(same as input) | date, type('date'|'hour'|'minute'|'second'|'ampm |
open | When panel opening | event |
close | When panel closing | |
confirm | When click 'confirm' button | date |
clear | When click 'clear' button | |
input-error | When user type a invalid Date | the input text |
focus | When input focus | |
blur | When input blur | |
pick | when select date #429 | date |
calendar-change | when change the calendar | date, oldDate, type('year'|'month'|'last-year'|'next-year'|'last-month'|'next-month'|'last-decade'|'next-decade') |
panel-change | when the calendar panel changes | type('year'|'month'|'date'), oldType |
Name | Description |
icon-calendar | custom the calender icon |
icon-clear | custom the clear icon |
input | replace input |
header | popup header |
footer | popup footer |
sidebar | popup sidebar |
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Copyright (c) 2017-present xiemengxiong