WORLDWIDE HACKING IN PROGRESS... is your own online hacker simulation. With over 100 levels that require different skills to get to another step of the game, this new real-life simulation will help you advance your security knowledge and also improve your JavaScript, PHP, HTML and graphic thinking in a fun way. Have a spare minute? Log on! Each level will provide you with a new, harder clue to find a way to get to another level. Only few people have gotten to the end of the maze. How good are your Hacker Skills?
全球黑客进展... HackerSkills.com是您自己的网上黑客模拟。拥有超过100个的水平,需要不同的技能的游戏又迈进了一步,这一新的现实生活的模拟将帮助您提升您的安全知识,同时也提高你的JavaScript,PHP,HTML和图形以有趣的方式思考。有一个备用分钟吗?登录!每个级别都将为您提供一个新的,更难的线索,找到一种方式来获得到另一个层次。只有少数人得到到结束的迷宫。你的黑客技巧有多好?