M$向HTC, Samsung,Amazon,...等一半以上的Android装置商收高额Android"授权费", 不像HTC, Samsung, Amazon等大咖已付钱省事, Barnes & Noble说因为她是小咖, 付不起高额的授权费和兴讼费, 被逼上梁山, 只好一状告上ITC. http://www.groklaw.net/article.php?story=2011111122291296
在诉状中的Exhibit A: Barnes & Noble letter, dated March 28, 2011, to The Hon. Christine Varney, [then-]Assistant Attorney General, US DOJ 用了三次霸凌(bully), 指控M$欺压, 反创新, 反竞争, 真独占, 掀开了一直被视为机密的Android授权的丑陋幕帘.
Exhibit E更精彩, 揭露了Nokia和M$的毁Android大计, 2011年9月, 三家公司Nokia, Microsoft和Mosaid Tecnonologies协议由Nokia以无前金的方式授权Mosaid高达2000项专利, Mosaid专职控告其他厂商以取得授权金, 2/3的金额归Microsoft和Nokia所有. 如Mosaid官网: http://www.mosaid.com/corporate/news-events/releases-2011/110901.php所言.
HTC, Trick or Treat? 準备付钱, 或者专做MS手机吧?
2010年七月, M$像Barnes & Noble要求付钱, M$拒绝提供六项Android侵权的专利, 并要B&N签字噤声(Non-Disclosure Agreement):
In July 2010, Microsoft first met with Barnes & Noble to discuss "patent issues" related to Barnes & Noble's eReader. Microsoft specifically alleged that Barnes & Noble's NookTM was infringing six patents purportedly owned by Microsoft. When Barnes and Noble asked Microsoft for more detailed information related to these patents, Microsoft refused, claiming that the information was confidential and could not be shared unless Barnes & Noble first executed a non-disclosure agreement ("NDA").
B&N初始拒绝噤声协议(NDA), 为取得那六项专利声言, 2010年12月, B&N和MS签署了"默言协议"(a very narrow NDA), 2011年1月, MS递送专利授权协议给B&N,...从这些揭露的来往过程, HTC, Samsung, Amazon签署了噤声协议了吗?
MS说, 它创造了Android, 接下来, 看看Exibit D中那六大创造Android的专利是啥:
I. '372 Patent (Web Browser Background Image Loading)
II. '522 Patent (Operating System Provided Tabs)
III. '551 Patent (Electronic Selection with "Handles")
IV. '233 Patent (Annotation of Electronic Documents)
V. '780 Patent (Web Browser Loading Status Icons)
VI. Other Patents Identified by Microsoft Prior to Filing Its Suits
这些看来都是芝麻小事, 在Exibit D中有详列专利无效之诉, HTC的法务这么不堪? 还是因为有Mosaid? Exhibit E才是真正的大问题, Mosaid船坚利砲就要攻击了, HTC要付的钱恐怕不少吧?