小弟有 10个 Facebook Mail 邀请名额
小弟有 10个 Facebook Mail 邀请名额,有兴趣者可以讨论下留个 Facebook 名字 或 加我的 Facebook - Orange Chan(orange@dreamhk.net)
The New Messages
Texts, chat and email together in one simple conversation.
All your messages together
Get Facebook messages, chats and texts all in the same place.
Include email by activating your optional Facebook email address
Control who can send you messages through your privacy settings
Full conversation history
See everything you've ever discussed with each friend as a single conversation.
No need for subject lines or other formalities
Easily leave large conversations that no longer interest you
The messages you want
Focus on messages from your friends.
Messages from unknown senders and bulk email go into the Other folder
Spam is hidden from view automatically