

PHP library to query HTTPS Cer

Online Certificate Status Protocol PHP Library This repository contains a PHP library that helps you checking if HTTPS certificates are revoked, by using the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP).

GleezCMS - A Light, Simple, Fl

What Is Gleez CMS? Gleez CMS is a user-friendly website Content Management System. With Gleez CMS you can easily build dynamic websites within a matter of minutes with just the click of your mouse! Mai

Display your host's PHP, MYSQL

WP-ServerInfo Contributors: GamerZ Donate link: http://lesterchan.net/site/donation/ Tags: phpinfo, mysql, php, server, serverinfo, info, information, memcached, memcache Requires at least: 4.0 Tested

A very simple PHP command to s

syncr One PHP command. Your files and MySQL database synchronized. Syncr is a very simple PHP command to simplify the synchronization process between servers using PHP and MySQL. It's very useful to se


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php 设计模式:手写简洁版 laravel 框架、di、i

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jquery.threelevelcategoryselect 三级联动下拉菜单 只需几行代码就可实现三级联动功能。使用场景:省市区、商品三级分类等。详细介绍请参考:http://www.cnblogs


fis与php结合,加一个极小极小的模块定义框架 集成了静态资源管理系统,适合php作为模板语言的中小型项目 环境依赖: fisphp-cgijava 运行方法: 启动内置服