
##基于原生node实现的一个留言板 入口文件为 app.js, 监听3000端口使用了template模板引擎对页面进行渲染没有连接数据库进行数据的长期存储,用的是数组进行


基于Node.js搭建的留言板feedback下载 git clone https://github.com/adiynil/feedback.git 运行 安装运行需要Node.js环境 Node.js官网 cd feedbacknpm installnode server.js# 部署到服务器

Create a Web Application using

CedCab Create a Web Application using PHP, MySql, HTML, CSS JS (PHP OOP's concept) User Group 1(Customer)- 1- Can signup / login2- Can Book Taxi3- Can check previous ride with proper date price Other i

# Skill's Breaker An online qu

Skill's Breaker An online quiz system built on PHP, JS and HTML. It has inbuilt Timer support along with Admin Panel This project is a great improvement of 'Online-Exam-System-' created by Mugunthan.K

Create a Web Application using

cedCab Create a Web Application using PHP, MySql, HTML, CSS JS (PHP OOP's concept) User Group 1(Customer)-1- Can signup / login2- Can Book Taxi3- Can check previous ride with proper date price Other in


WEB-D https://github.com/pallabi68/WEB-D.git PROJECT OVERVIEW The main features of the website are: Interactive forms to take details from usersThorough frontend and backend validation through HTML5, J

A PHP class simulates human we

CurlBot A PHP class simulates human web browsing activities. You can navigate a webpage, submit a form, upload/download files, etc.


Flask-sayhello 使用Flask开发一个简单的留言板项目

This is a filter bypass exploi

CVE-2019-19634 - class.upload.php = 2.0.4 Arbitrary file upload Author - Jinny RamsmarkAffected vendor - Verot.netAffected product - class.upload.php = 2.0.4Tested on newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 with

