This E-commerce system is goin
Pitt Zhong Guan Cun E-commerce Website based on PHP This E-commerce system is going to sell computers online. User can log in our system and search what they want and purchase it on the system. There a
A PHP script to download Adobe
adobehds A PHP script to download Adobe HDS streams. Forked from K-S-V. Usage $ php adobehds.php --helpKSV Adobe HDS DownloaderYou can use script with following switches: --help displays this help --de
glados vpn自动签到脚本(php版本)
使用说明 登陆glados。 查看 cookie 。 修改脚本里的 cookie 。 定时任务每天执行脚本(php5.3~php7.4,其它版本没有测试)。 0 1 * * * php /home/deploy/shell/qiandao_gla
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App. Available Scripts In the project directory, you can run: npm start Runs the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in th
【PHP版】蘑菇钉自动签到 顾名思义,蘑菇钉自动上下班签到 使用方法 有 PHP 环境,安装了 PHP-Curl 扩展,对 PHP 有一定的了解 1. 配置 config.php 文件 2. 运行
爬虫类 php写的一个爬虫类。采用TDD编写,主要功能是支持: 多个代理切换失败重连失败切换代理可测试 反反爬虫的思路 伪装useragent减低请求速度使用代理
include PHP,HTML,css,js,ajax,
web-project include PHP,HTML,css,js,ajax technology etc. sendEmail folder --send email UsersSystem folder --include login,logout,register,password back --Common user and administrator ident
PHP 短信基础服务适配项目
php-brawl-sms PHP 短信基础服务适配项目 使用说明 此包为抽象包,使用时加载具体实现包: 腾讯云 composer require nece001/php-brawl-sms-tencent 阿里云 composer require