mobx源码解析,附带 v5 中文源码注释版本,一文搞


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主要概念 observable 可观察对象

mobx 中,我们需要在一个值或一个对象被改变时,触发相应的动作或响应,这种模式就是典型的观察者模式(或发布订阅模式),那么这里一个值或一个对象就是被观察者,动作或者响应充当观察者。


可能文字描述起来很难弄清楚 mobx 的工作原理,所以接下来用代码以及调用链路详细说明。



这里先说明 mobx 中观察者是谁,mobx中观察者有reactionautorunautorun是特殊的reaction,而reaction实现自derivation,也就是说derivation是基础的观察者;而被观察者就是observable对象。

**注: 下文中可观察变量和被观察者都简称 ‘observable’ **


(1)observable收集观察者 reaction = new Reaction() --> reaction.track() --> trackDerivedFunction() --> bindDependencies(derivation) --> addObserver(observable, derivation) --> observable.observers.add(node) (2)观察者收集observable observableValue.get() --> this.reportObserved(observable) --> derivation.newObserving![derivation.unboundDepsCount++] = observable (3)observable变更时触发derivation执行 observableValue.set() --> this.reportChanged(observable) --> propagateChanged(this) --> observable.observers.forEach((d) => {d.onBecomeStale()}) --> d.schedule() --> globalState.pendingReactions.push(d) 以及 runReactions() --> reactionScheduler(runReactionsHelper) --> 遍历执行相关联的衍生(derivation.runReaction()) --> this.onInvalidate()即用户定义的逻辑 2、核心逻辑讲解 Reaction

Reaction类中最核心的是track方法,track方法中开启了一个事务,在事务中调用trackDerivedFunction()执行用户定义的逻辑 fn() 以及进行关系绑定。

// 删减后的代码 track(fn: () => void) { startBatch() const result = trackDerivedFunction(this, fn, undefined) if (this.isDisposed) { // disposed during last run. Clean up everything that was bound after the dispose call. clearObserving(this) } endBatch() } derivation


function trackDerivedFunction<T>(derivation: IDerivation, f: () => T, context: any) { const prevAllowStateReads = allowStateReadsStart(true) // pre allocate array allocation + room for variation in deps // array will be trimmed by bindDependencies // 把 derivation.dependenciesState 和 derivation.observing数组内所有 ob.lowestObserverState 改为 IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE (0) // 先调用 changeDependenciesStateTo0 方法将 derivation 和 observing 置为稳定态 UP_TO_DATE,主要是方便后续判断是否处在收集依赖阶段 changeDependenciesStateTo0(derivation) // 提前为新 observing 申请空间,之后会trim derivation.newObserving = new Array(derivation.observing.length + 100) // unboundDepsCount记录尚未绑定的数量,observable被观察者观察时通过reportObserved()更新值 derivation.unboundDepsCount = 0 derivation.runId = ++globalState.runId // 保存Reaction上下文,将当前进行的reaction赋值给globalState.trackingDerivation供bindDependencies依赖收集用 const prevTracking = globalState.trackingDerivation globalState.trackingDerivation = derivation let result if (globalState.disableErrorBoundaries === true) { result = } else { try { // 这一步将会触发 observable 的访问(因为f中会访问可观察对象的属性), // 即我们 --> $ (ObservableValue.prototype.get) // -->reportObserved(ObservableValue) //调用track参数中的函数,在mobx-react里就是组件的render方法 result = } catch (e) { result = new CaughtException(e) } } //恢复Reaction上下文 globalState.trackingDerivation = prevTracking //Reaction跟Observable建立关系 bindDependencies(derivation) warnAboutDerivationWithoutDependencies(derivation) allowStateReadsEnd(prevAllowStateReads) return result }

其中result =会触发observable.get(),上面的调用链路中可以看到observable.observers.add(node)这一步将reaction观察者放入observable的观察者对列中。


function bindDependencies(derivation: IDerivation) { // invariant(derivation.dependenciesState !== IDerivationState.NOT_TRACKING, "INTERNAL ERROR bindDependencies expects derivation.dependenciesState !== -1"); // 暂存旧的observable列表 const prevObserving = derivation.observing // 用新的observable列表替换旧的列表 const observing = (derivation.observing = derivation.newObserving!) let lowestNewObservingDerivationState = IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE // Go through all new observables and check diffValue: (this list can contain duplicates): // 0: first occurrence, change to 1 and keep it // 1: extra occurrence, drop it // 遍历所有新的observable,去除重复的observable let i0 = 0, l = derivation.unboundDepsCount for (let i = 0; i < l; i++) { // 这里实际上用了双指针方法去重,i0为慢指针,i为快指针 const dep = observing[i] // 跳过重复的值,即diffValue 等于 1的值;当跳过重复的值时i与i0就不相等了,i领先于i0 if (dep.diffValue === 0) { dep.diffValue = 1 if (i0 !== i) observing[i0] = dep i0++ } // Upcast is 'safe' here, because if dep is IObservable, `dependenciesState` will be undefined, // not hitting the condition if (((dep as any) as IDerivation).dependenciesState > lowestNewObservingDerivationState) { lowestNewObservingDerivationState = ((dep as any) as IDerivation).dependenciesState } } observing.length = i0 derivation.newObserving = null // newObserving shouldn't be needed outside tracking (statement moved down to work around FF bug, see #614) // Go through all old observables and check diffValue: (it is unique after last bindDependencies) // 0: it's not in new observables, unobserve it // 1: it keeps being observed, don't want to notify it. change to 0 // 遍历旧observable列表: // diffValue为0表示不在新的observable列表中(每一轮新的observables的diffValue都会被设置为1),在derivation中解除观察; // diffValue为1表示该值仍在被观察(每一轮的依赖更新时,假如一个可观察对象dep在之前一轮也在依赖列表中, // 此时dep对象是同一个,新的一轮更新newObserving依赖时,diffValue会被更新为1); // 和newObserving去重操作一样巧妙,diffValue的作用很大呀 l = prevObserving.length while (l--) { const dep = prevObserving[l] if (dep.diffValue === 0) { removeObserver(dep, derivation) } // 新旧遍历之后依旧将diffValue置0,即上面的 first occurrence dep.diffValue = 0 } // Go through all new observables and check diffValue: (now it should be unique) // 0: it was set to 0 in last loop. don't need to do anything. // 1: it wasn't observed, let's observe it. set back to 0 // 这里需要做这一步操作是因为第一步newObserving过滤后是新增的观察对象, // 第二步prevObserving将依赖的diffValue置0,但prevObserving中的依赖已经是addObserver()过的, // 所以就需要标记一下(diffValue置0),最后newObserving中的依赖diffValue为1的就进行addObserver() while (i0--) { const dep = observing[i0] if (dep.diffValue === 1) { dep.diffValue = 0 // 给 observableValue 注册 observer // value change 时 observable(object, array, set...) 调用 this.atom.reportChanged() 发送通知 // foreach 通知每个 reaction 调用 onBecomeStale,也就是 schedule 方法 // 调用链路:value change --> observable设置值set(newVal) --> this.atom.reportChanged() // --> propagateChanged(this) --> observable.observers.forEach调用observer.onBecomeStale() // --> reaction.schedule() --> globalState.pendingReactions.push(this)以及runReactions() // --> reactionScheduler() // --> allReactions.forEach()执行每个reaction的reaction.runReaction() // --> 执行每个reaction的this.onInvalidate() addObserver(dep, derivation) } } // NOTE: 收集完的依赖保存到 reaction.observing 中,在 getDependencyTree api 中会调用到 // 对于新添加的观察数据,将 derivation 添加 globalState.pendingReactions 中, // 在当前事务周期中处理 // Some new observed derivations may become stale during this derivation computation // so they have had no chance to propagate staleness (#916) if (lowestNewObservingDerivationState !== IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE) { derivation.dependenciesState = lowestNewObservingDerivationState derivation.onBecomeStale() } }




POSSIBLY_STALE:计算值的依赖发生变化时的状态,表示计算值可能有变更;比如计算值a依赖了observable bobservable c,如果这时bc都发生了变化,但最终的结果a未发生变化,那就不需要通知a的观察者observers执行逻辑了


enum IDerivationState { NOT_TRACKING = -1, UP_TO_DATE = 0, POSSIBLY_STALE = 1, STALE = 2 } observable

对象经过 mobx 处理后变成可观察对象,这里的处理是指通过 proxy 或者 defineProperty 代理。在mobx中一个基础类型的值可以成为observable,一个array / map / set / object也可以成为observable,但他们的处理方式有一些差别,具体看下文分析。


import { observable } from "mobx" class Todo { id = Math.random() @observable title = "" @observable finished = false }



const observable: IObservableFactory & IObservableFactories & { enhancer: IEnhancer<any>}


const observableFactories: IObservableFactories = { // 对于基本类型 string, boolean, number 可以用 box 来劫持 box<T = any>(value?: T, options?: CreateObservableOptions): IObservableValue<T> { if (arguments.length > 2) incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("box") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) // getEnhancerFromOptions(o) 生成enhancer return new ObservableValue(value, getEnhancerFromOptions(o),, true, o.equals) }, array<T = any>(initialValues?: T[], options?: CreateObservableOptions): IObservableArray<T> { if (arguments.length > 2) incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("array") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) return createObservableArray(initialValues, getEnhancerFromOptions(o), as any }, map<K = any, V = any>( initialValues?: IObservableMapInitialValues<K, V>, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): ObservableMap<K, V> { if (arguments.length > 2) incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("map") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) return new ObservableMap<K, V>(initialValues, getEnhancerFromOptions(o), }, set<T = any>( initialValues?: IObservableSetInitialValues<T>, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): ObservableSet<T> { if (arguments.length > 2) incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("set") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) return new ObservableSet<T>(initialValues, getEnhancerFromOptions(o), }, object<T = any>( props: T, decorators?: { [K in keyof T]: Function }, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): T & IObservableObject { if (typeof arguments[1] === "string") incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("object") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) if (o.proxy === false) { // 采用Object.defineProperty劫持 return extendObservable({}, props, decorators, o) as any } else { const defaultDecorator = getDefaultDecoratorFromObjectOptions(o) // extendObservable中会将adm赋值给属性$mobx,以供proxy代理时调用 const base = extendObservable({}, undefined, undefined, o) as any const proxy = createDynamicObservableObject(base) extendObservableObjectWithProperties(proxy, props, decorators, defaultDecorator) return proxy } }, ref: refDecorator, shallow: shallowDecorator, deep: deepDecorator, struct: refStructDecorator } as any


Object.keys(observableFactories).forEach(name => (observable[name] = observableFactories[name]))




function createObservable(v: any, arg2?: any, arg3?: any) { // @observable someProp; if (typeof arguments[1] === "string" || typeof arguments[1] === "symbol") { return deepDecorator.apply(null, arguments as any) } // it is an observable already, done if (isObservable(v)) return v // something that can be converted and mutated? const res = isPlainObject(v) ? observable.object(v, arg2, arg3) : Array.isArray(v) ? observable.array(v, arg2) : isES6Map(v) ?, arg2) : isES6Set(v) ? observable.set(v, arg2) : v // this value could be converted to a new observable data structure, return it if (res !== v) return res } object的劫持

object 函数接收三个参数,第三个参数为 options 可以定制化劫持方式。


const person = observable({ name: 'lawler', get labelText() { return this.showAge ? `${} (age: ${this.age})` :; }, setAge(age) { his.age = age; } }, { // 此为第二个参数 decorators // setAge设置为action类型,其他属性默认为 observables / computed setAge: action } /*, 这里传第三个 options 参数 *\/);


object<T = any>( props: T, decorators?: { [K in keyof T]: Function }, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): T & IObservableObject { if (typeof arguments[1] === "string") incorrectlyUsedAsDecorator("object") const o = asCreateObservableOptions(options) if (o.proxy === false) { // 采用Object.defineProperty劫持 return extendObservable({}, props, decorators, o) as any } else { const defaultDecorator = getDefaultDecoratorFromObjectOptions(o) // extendObservable中会将adm赋值给属性$mobx,以供proxy代理时调用 const base = extendObservable({}, undefined, undefined, o) as any const proxy = createDynamicObservableObject(base) extendObservableObjectWithProperties(proxy, props, decorators, defaultDecorator) return proxy }



const o = { name: thing, deep: true, proxy: true }


const defaultCreateObservableOptions = { deep: true, name: undefined, defaultDecorator: undefined, proxy: true }

第二步: 生成默认装饰器

const defaultDecorator = getDefaultDecoratorFromObjectOptions(o) 默认项返回 deepDecorator

默认的 deepDecorator代码部分:

const deepDecorator = createDecoratorForEnhancer(deepEnhancer) // 删除了一些开发环境的代码 function createDecoratorForEnhancer(enhancer: IEnhancer<any>): IObservableDecorator { invariant(enhancer) const decorator = createPropDecorator( true, ( target: any, propertyName: PropertyKey, descriptor: BabelDescriptor | undefined, _decoratorTarget, decoratorArgs: any[] ) => { const initialValue = descriptor ? descriptor.initializer ? : descriptor.value : undefined /** * asObservableObject,其传入参数为原始对象, * 返回值是ObservableObjectAdministration类型对象adm * 同时将adm绑定到$mobx属性上,共对象使用 * * 并且链式调用了 addObservableProp, * 通过 enhancer,把 propertyName 属性赋上劫持后的 initialValue */ asObservableObject(target).addObservableProp(propertyName, initialValue, enhancer) } ) const res: any = decorator res.enhancer = enhancer return res }

重点在asObservableObject(target).addObservableProp(propertyName, initialValue, enhancer)中。



export function asObservableObject( target: any, name: PropertyKey = "", defaultEnhancer: IEnhancer<any> = deepEnhancer ): ObservableObjectAdministration { if (, $mobx)) return target[$mobx] if (!isPlainObject(target)) name = ( || "ObservableObject") + "@" + getNextId() if (!name) name = "ObservableObject@" + getNextId() const adm = new ObservableObjectAdministration( target, new Map(), stringifyKey(name), defaultEnhancer ) addHiddenProp(target, $mobx, adm) return adm }


/** * 可以看出 adm 其实也是个封装类,具体围绕 values 展开, * 而 values 是个 Map,键为 PropertyKey,值为 ObservableValue像 read,write 等方法, * 最后都是调用的 ObservableValue 提供的 api */ class ObservableObjectAdministration constructor( public target: any, public values = new Map<PropertyKey, ObservableValue<any> | ComputedValue<any>>(), public name: string, public defaultEnhancer: IEnhancer<any> ) { this.keysAtom = new Atom(name + ".keys") } read(key: PropertyKey) { return this.values.get(key)!.get() } write(key: PropertyKey, newValue) { // 省略 } has(key: PropertyKey) { // 省略 } addObservableProp( propName: PropertyKey, newValue, enhancer: IEnhancer<any> = this.defaultEnhancer ) { // 省略 } addComputedProp( propertyOwner: any, // where is the property declared? propName: PropertyKey, options: IComputedValueOptions<any> ) { // 省略 } remove(key: PropertyKey) { // 省略 } observe(callback: (changes: IObjectDidChange) => void, fireImmediately?: boolean): Lambda { return registerListener(this, callback) } }

接下来调用adm.addObservableProp(propertyName, initialValue, enhancer)

为observable对象添加属性并劫持set / get操作;同时也将 initialValue 变成 ObservableValue,最后以属性名为键值存入adm.values对象中(实际的proxy代理时会用到,看下文)。

addObservableProp( propName: PropertyKey, newValue, enhancer: IEnhancer<any> = this.defaultEnhancer ) { // this为adm const { target } = this assertPropertyConfigurable(target, propName) const observable = new ObservableValue( newValue, enhancer, `${}.${stringifyKey(propName)}`, false ) this.values.set(propName, observable) newValue = (observable as any).value // observableValue might have changed it Object.defineProperty(target, propName, generateObservablePropConfig(propName)) this.notifyPropertyAddition(propName, newValue) }


const base = extendObservable({}, undefined, undefined, o) as any

function extendObservable<A extends Object, B extends Object>( target: A, properties?: B, decorators?: { [K in keyof B]?: Function }, options?: CreateObservableOptions ): A & B { options = asCreateObservableOptions(options) const defaultDecorator = getDefaultDecoratorFromObjectOptions(options) // 这里target是空对象‘{}’ initializeInstance(target) // target的属性$mobx值为adm对象 asObservableObject(target,, defaultDecorator.enhancer) // make sure object is observable, even without initial props if (properties) extendObservableObjectWithProperties(target, properties, decorators, defaultDecorator) return target as any }

第四步: 代理对象

const proxy = createDynamicObservableObject(base)

function createDynamicObservableObject(base) { // objectProxyTraps中定义了代理的属性(has/get/set等),其实还是调用了adm对象的方法 const proxy = new Proxy(base, objectProxyTraps) base[$mobx].proxy = proxy return proxy }


get(target: IIsObservableObject, name: PropertyKey) { if (name === $mobx || name === "constructor" || name === mobxDidRunLazyInitializersSymbol) return target[name] const adm = getAdm(target) const observable = adm.values.get(name) if (observable instanceof Atom) { const result = (observable as any).get() if (result === undefined) { // This fixes #1796, because deleting a prop that has an // undefined value won't retrigger a observer (no visible effect), // the autorun wouldn't subscribe to future key changes (see also next comment) adm.has(name as any) } return result } // make sure we start listening to future keys // note that we only do this here for optimization if (isPropertyKey(name)) adm.has(name) return target[name] }


extendObservableObjectWithProperties(proxy, props, decorators, defaultDecorator)


function extendObservableObjectWithProperties( target, properties, decorators, defaultDecorator ) { startBatch() try { const keys = getPlainObjectKeys(properties) for (const key of keys) { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(properties, key)! const decorator = decorators && key in decorators ? decorators[key] : descriptor.get ? computedDecorator : defaultDecorator const resultDescriptor = decorator!(target, key, descriptor, true) if ( resultDescriptor // otherwise, assume already applied, due to `applyToInstance` ) Object.defineProperty(target, key, resultDescriptor) } } finally { endBatch() } }

其中当decorator是用户定义的装饰器类别,这里有计算值装饰器computedDecorator, action类别的装饰器以及默认的defaultDecoratorobservable装饰器。


在上面的使用示例中setAge: action ,decorator就是action


const action: IActionFactory = function action(arg1, arg2?, arg3?, arg4?): any { // action(fn() {}) if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arg1 === "function") return createAction( || "<unnamed action>", arg1) // action("name", fn() {}) if (arguments.length === 2 && typeof arg2 === "function") return createAction(arg1, arg2) // @action("name") fn() {} if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof arg1 === "string") return namedActionDecorator(arg1) // @action fn() {} if (arg4 === true) { // apply to instance immediately addHiddenProp(arg1, arg2, createAction( || arg2, arg3.value, this)) } else { return namedActionDecorator(arg2).apply(null, arguments as any) } } as any

这里我们传入了四个参数,且arg4 === true,进入addHiddenProp,作用是增加对象的不可遍历属性

function addHiddenProp(object: any, propName: PropertyKey, value: any) { Object.defineProperty(object, propName, { enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true, value }) }


createAction返回一个函数, 而这个函数的返回值是执行descriptor的结果,即是上面示例中setAge()的执行结果。

function createAction(actionName: string, fn: Function, ref?: Object): Function & IAction { const res = function() { // 首先将runInfo等信息保存起来,然后执行 fn ,最后恢复刚才保存的信息并且会调用endBatch() return executeAction(actionName, fn, ref || this, arguments) } ;(res as any).isMobxAction = true return res as any } function executeAction(actionName: string, fn: Function, scope?: any, args?: IArguments) { // 将derivation等信息保存起来,在_endAction()中恢复 const runInfo = _startAction(actionName, scope, args) try { return fn.apply(scope, args) } catch (err) { runInfo.error = err throw err } finally { _endAction(runInfo) } }

好了,现在回过头看看 mobx 文档中定义的action:

它接收一个函数并返回具有同样签名的函数,但是用 transactionuntrackedallowStateChanges 包裹起来,尤其是 transaction 的自动应用会产生巨大的性能收益, 动作会分批处理变化并只在(最外层的)动作完成后通知计算值和反应。 这将确保在动作完成之前,在动作期间生成的中间值或未完成的值对应用的其余部分是不可见的。

这里的transaction是指_startAction_endAction中开启的事务startBatch()endBatch(),在事务处理期间globalState.trackingDerivation = null,意味着action处理期间不进行依赖收集(即描述中的untracked ,因为执行action可能访问observable的属性,触发get代理,上文中说到get代理会进行依赖收集,但action是不需要进行依赖收集的,它仅仅是执行一个动作);在endBatch()中接着执行runReactions()(即描述中所说的动作完成后通知计算值和反应); allowStateChanges 就比较好理解了,是控制observable对象是否只能在action中变更值,细节可以在文件configure.ts中查看。

那么addHiddenProp(arg1, arg2, createAction( || arg2, arg3.value, this))就是把action类别的动作用装饰器action包裹起来再丢给proxy对象。

所以,observable.object(对象,装饰器, 配置项)最终会产生一个新的对象,这个新的对象是个代理对象。




function createObservableArray<T>( initialValues: any[] | undefined, enhancer: IEnhancer<T>, name = "ObservableArray@" + getNextId(), owned = false ): IObservableArray<T> { const adm = new ObservableArrayAdministration(name, enhancer, owned) addHiddenFinalProp(adm.values, $mobx, adm) const proxy = new Proxy(adm.values, arrayTraps) as any adm.proxy = proxy if (initialValues && initialValues.length) { const prev = allowStateChangesStart(true) // 初始化 adm.spliceWithArray(0, 0, initialValues) allowStateChangesEnd(prev) } return proxy }

第一步:创建adm对象,后面的操作都是调用 adm 中的方法;

这里面最重要的方法是spliceWithArray,相当于拦截了数组的splice操作,对新加入的元素进行enhancer 劫持,删除的元素dehancer处理,最后通知数组发生了变更reportChanged()

class ObservableArrayAdministration implements IInterceptable<IArrayWillChange<any> | IArrayWillSplice<any>>, IListenable { atom: IAtom values: any[] = [] interceptors changeListeners enhancer: (newV: any, oldV: any | undefined) => any dehancer: any proxy: any[] = undefined as any lastKnownLength = 0 constructor(name, enhancer: IEnhancer<any>, public owned: boolean) { this.atom = new Atom(name || "ObservableArray@" + getNextId()) this.enhancer = (newV, oldV) => enhancer(newV, oldV, name + "[..]") } getArrayLength(): number { this.atom.reportObserved() return this.values.length } setArrayLength(newLength: number) { if (typeof newLength !== "number" || newLength < 0) throw new Error("[mobx.array] Out of range: " + newLength) let currentLength = this.values.length if (newLength === currentLength) return else if (newLength > currentLength) { const newItems = new Array(newLength - currentLength) for (let i = 0; i < newLength - currentLength; i++) newItems[i] = undefined // No Array.fill everywhere... this.spliceWithArray(currentLength, 0, newItems) } else this.spliceWithArray(newLength, currentLength - newLength) } updateArrayLength(oldLength: number, delta: number) { if (oldLength !== this.lastKnownLength) throw new Error( "[mobx] Modification exception: the internal structure of an observable array was changed." ) this.lastKnownLength += delta } spliceWithArray(index: number, deleteCount?: number, newItems?: any[]): any[] { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this.atom) const length = this.values.length if (index === undefined) index = 0 else if (index > length) index = length // inedx小于0则从list尾部取值 else if (index < 0) index = Math.max(0, length + index) if (arguments.length === 1) deleteCount = length - index else if (deleteCount === undefined || deleteCount === null) deleteCount = 0 // Math.min(deleteCount, length - index) 防止删除的数量超过数组长度 else deleteCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(deleteCount, length - index)) if (newItems === undefined) newItems = EMPTY_ARRAY if (hasInterceptors(this)) { const change = interceptChange<IArrayWillSplice<any>>(this as any, { object: this.proxy as any, type: "splice", index, removedCount: deleteCount, added: newItems }) if (!change) return EMPTY_ARRAY deleteCount = change.removedCount newItems = change.added } // 对新值用 enhancer 进行劫持 newItems = newItems.length === 0 ? newItems : => this.enhancer(v, undefined)) // 将劫持后的 array 更新到 this.values 中 // res 为删除后的元素数组 const res = this.spliceItemsIntoValues(index, deleteCount, newItems) if (deleteCount !== 0 || newItems.length !== 0) this.notifyArraySplice(index, newItems, res) // 对删除后的元素进行 dehancer 处理 return this.dehanceValues(res) } spliceItemsIntoValues(index, deleteCount, newItems: any[]): any[] { if (newItems.length < MAX_SPLICE_SIZE) { // splice返回删除的元素 return this.values.splice(index, deleteCount, ...newItems) } else { // res为删除的元素 const res = this.values.slice(index, index + deleteCount) this.values = this.values .slice(0, index) .concat(newItems, this.values.slice(index + deleteCount)) return res } } notifyArrayChildUpdate(index: number, newValue: any, oldValue: any) { // 省略... this.atom.reportChanged() } notifyArraySplice(index: number, added: any[], removed: any[]) { // 省略... this.atom.reportChanged() } }


addHiddenFinalProp(adm.values, $mobx, adm)


const proxy = new Proxy(adm.values, arrayTraps)


const arrayTraps = { get(target, name) { if (name === $mobx) return target[$mobx] if (name === "length") return target[$mobx].getArrayLength() if (typeof name === "number") { return, name) } if (typeof name === "string" && !isNaN(name as any)) { return, parseInt(name)) } if (arrayExtensions.hasOwnProperty(name)) { return arrayExtensions[name] } return target[name] }, set(target, name, value): boolean { if (name === "length") { target[$mobx].setArrayLength(value) } if (typeof name === "number") {, name, value) } if (typeof name === "symbol" || isNaN(name)) { target[name] = value } else { // numeric string, parseInt(name), value) } return true }, preventExtensions(target) { fail(`Observable arrays cannot be frozen`) return false } }


// 全部调用对象上的属性$mobx值---adm来对values操作 const arrayExtensions = { intercept(handler: IInterceptor<IArrayWillChange<any> | IArrayWillSplice<any>>): Lambda { return this[$mobx].intercept(handler) }, observe( listener: (changeData: IArrayChange<any> | IArraySplice<any>) => void, fireImmediately = false ): Lambda { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] return adm.observe(listener, fireImmediately) }, clear(): any[] { return this.splice(0) }, replace(newItems: any[]) { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] return adm.spliceWithArray(0, adm.values.length, newItems) }, toJS(): any[] { return (this as any).slice() }, toJSON(): any[] { // Used by JSON.stringify return this.toJS() }, splice(index: number, deleteCount?: number, ...newItems: any[]): any[] { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return [] case 1: return adm.spliceWithArray(index) case 2: return adm.spliceWithArray(index, deleteCount) } return adm.spliceWithArray(index, deleteCount, newItems) }, spliceWithArray(index: number, deleteCount?: number, newItems?: any[]): any[] { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] return adm.spliceWithArray(index, deleteCount, newItems) }, push(...items: any[]): number { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] adm.spliceWithArray(adm.values.length, 0, items) return adm.values.length }, pop() { return this.splice(Math.max(this[$mobx].values.length - 1, 0), 1)[0] }, shift() { return this.splice(0, 1)[0] }, unshift(...items: any[]): number { const adm = this[$mobx] adm.spliceWithArray(0, 0, items) return adm.values.length }, reverse(): any[] { const clone = (<any>this).slice() return clone.reverse.apply(clone, arguments) }, sort(compareFn?: (a: any, b: any) => number): any[] { const clone = (<any>this).slice() return clone.sort.apply(clone, arguments) }, remove(value: any): boolean { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] const idx = adm.dehanceValues(adm.values).indexOf(value) if (idx > -1) { this.splice(idx, 1) return true } return false }, get(index: number): any | undefined { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] if (adm) { if (index < adm.values.length) { adm.atom.reportObserved() return adm.dehanceValue(adm.values[index]) } } return undefined }, set(index: number, newValue: any) { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] const values = adm.values if (index < values.length) { // update at index in range checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(adm.atom) const oldValue = values[index] if (hasInterceptors(adm)) { const change = interceptChange<IArrayWillChange<any>>(adm as any, { type: "update", object: adm.proxy as any, // since "this" is the real array we need to pass its proxy index, newValue }) if (!change) return newValue = change.newValue } newValue = adm.enhancer(newValue, oldValue) const changed = newValue !== oldValue if (changed) { values[index] = newValue adm.notifyArrayChildUpdate(index, newValue, oldValue) } } else if (index === values.length) { // add a new item adm.spliceWithArray(index, 0, [newValue]) } else { // out of bounds throw new Error( `[mobx.array] Index out of bounds, ${index} is larger than ${values.length}` ) } } }

数组还有一些内置的方法, mobx 做了进一步处理,都放到arrayExtensions中。

;[ "concat", "every", "filter", "forEach", "indexOf", "join", "lastIndexOf", "map", "reduce", "reduceRight", "slice", "some", "toString", "toLocaleString" ].forEach(funcName => { arrayExtensions[funcName] = function() { const adm: ObservableArrayAdministration = this[$mobx] // atom 中有reportObserved和reportChanged函数 adm.atom.reportObserved() const res = adm.dehanceValues(adm.values) return res[funcName].apply(res, arguments) } })







constructor( initialData?: IObservableMapInitialValues<K, V>, public enhancer: IEnhancer<V> = deepEnhancer, public name = "ObservableMap@" + getNextId() ) { this._data = new Map() // this.get()中会调用this.has() // this.has()中会调用this._hasMap.set()设置值 // 所以只有当observerableMap.get('xxx')时,_hasMap中才会存有‘xxx’属性和值 // 当在map中新增属性或者删除属性时会调用_updateHasMapEntry(), // _updateHasMapEntry()的作用是设置新增属性'xxx'时其value值为'true', 删除'xxx'时其value值为'false' // 例如autorun(() => console.log(counterStore.testMap.get('xxx'))); // 这时,_hasMap中存有值了; // 但如果在store中@action func() {this.testMap.get('xxx')}, // 这样是不会把‘xxx’放入_hasMap中的 // 总结:_hasMap用来存储新增或删除的keys(仅在autorun这类型的reaction中才生效) // 因而_hasMap是缓存map中keys的变化--新增还是删除状态 this._hasMap = new Map() // 将初始数据的属性和值赋值给this._data // merge时会调用this.set()-->this._addValue(),使得_data属性变成ObservableValue this.merge(initialData) }

关键看thie.merge(initialData), 就是把initialData遍历赋值给this._data,如果是新增属性,先把值变成observable对象,接着通知变更reportChanged(),触发derivation;如果是update值,将新值用enhancer处理后通知变更this.reportChanged()

// 将other对象的属性依次赋值给this对象,并返回this merge(other: ObservableMap<K, V> | IKeyValueMap<V> | any): ObservableMap<K, V> { if (isObservableMap(other)) { other = other.toJS() } // transaction开启一个事务,在事务执行期间视图view不会更新,是一个同步执行的过程 transaction(() => { if (isPlainObject(other)) getPlainObjectKeys(other).forEach(key => this.set((key as any) as K, other[key])) else if (Array.isArray(other)) other.forEach(([key, value]) => this.set(key, value)) else if (isES6Map(other)) { if (other.constructor !== Map) fail("Cannot initialize from classes that inherit from Map: " + other.forEach((value, key) => this.set(key, value)) } else if (other !== null && other !== undefined) fail("Cannot initialize map from " + other) }) return this } set(key: K, value: V) { const hasKey = this._has(key) if (hasKey) { this._updateValue(key, value) } else { this._addValue(key, value) } return this }

private _updateValue(key: K, newValue: V | undefined) { const observable = this._data.get(key)! newValue = (observable as any).prepareNewValue(newValue) as V if (newValue !== globalState.UNCHANGED) { observable.setNewValue(newValue as V) } } private _addValue(key: K, newValue: V) { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this._keysAtom) transaction(() => { const observable = new ObservableValue( newValue, this.enhancer, `${}.${stringifyKey(key)}`, false ) this._data.set(key, observable) newValue = (observable as any).value // value might have been changed this._updateHasMapEntry(key, true) this._keysAtom.reportChanged() }) }




constructor( initialData?: IObservableSetInitialValues<T>, enhancer: IEnhancer<T> = deepEnhancer, public name = "ObservableSet@" + getNextId() ) { if (typeof Set !== "function") { throw new Error( "mobx.set requires Set polyfill for the current browser. Check babel-polyfill or core-js/es6/set.js" ) } this.enhancer = (newV, oldV) => enhancer(newV, oldV, name) if (initialData) { this.replace(initialData) } }


replace(other: ObservableSet<T> | IObservableSetInitialValues<T>): ObservableSet<T> { if (isObservableSet(other)) { other = other.toJS() } transaction(() => { if (Array.isArray(other)) { this.clear() other.forEach(value => this.add(value)) } else if (isES6Set(other)) { this.clear() other.forEach(value => this.add(value)) } else if (other !== null && other !== undefined) { fail("Cannot initialize set from " + other) } }) return this }




add(value: T) { checkIfStateModificationsAreAllowed(this._atom) if (!this.has(value)) { transaction(() => { this._data.add(this.enhancer(value, undefined)) this._atom.reportChanged() }) } return this } 基本数据类型的劫持

string,boolean, number 用 box 劫持,最终是调用 ObservableValue()



constructor( value: T, public enhancer: IEnhancer<T>, public name = "ObservableValue@" + getNextId(), notifySpy = true, private equals: IEqualsComparer<any> = comparer.default ) { super(name) this.value = enhancer(value, undefined, name) } computedValue


class OrderLine { @observable price = 0; @observable amount = 1; constructor(price) { this.price = price; } @computed get total() { return this.price * this.amount; } }

另外,observable.objectextendObservable 都会自动将 getter 属性推导成计算属性,所以下面这样就足够了:

const orderLine = observable.object({ price: 0, amount: 1, get total() { return this.price * this.amount } })


const computed: IComputed = function computed(arg1, arg2, arg3) { if (typeof arg2 === "string") { // @computed return computedDecorator.apply(null, arguments) } if (arg1 !== null && typeof arg1 === "object" && arguments.length === 1) { // @computed({ options }) return computedDecorator.apply(null, arguments) } // computed(expr, options?) const opts: IComputedValueOptions<any> = typeof arg2 === "object" ? arg2 : {} opts.get = arg1 opts.set = typeof arg2 === "function" ? arg2 : opts.set = || || "" /* for generated name */ return new ComputedValue(opts) }

分为三个分支,作为装饰器且不带参数时,执行computedDecorator并返回,带参数时也是执行computedDecorator后返回;当computed用作computed(expr, options?)时,返回new ComputedValue(opts)



const computedDecorator = createPropDecorator( false, ( instance: any, propertyName: PropertyKey, descriptor: any, decoratorTarget: any, decoratorArgs: any[] ) => { const { get, set } = descriptor const options = decoratorArgs[0] || {} asObservableObject(instance).addComputedProp(instance, propertyName, { get, set, context: instance, ...options }) } )





addComputedProp( propertyOwner: any, propName: PropertyKey, options: IComputedValueOptions<any> ) { const { target } = this = || `${}.${stringifyKey(propName)}` this.values.set(propName, new ComputedValue(options)) if (propertyOwner === target || isPropertyConfigurable(propertyOwner, propName)) Object.defineProperty(propertyOwner, propName, generateComputedPropConfig(propName)) }


function createPropDecorator( propertyInitiallyEnumerable: boolean, propertyCreator: PropertyCreator ) { return function decoratorFactory() { let decoratorArguments: any[] const decorator = function decorate( target: DecoratorTarget, prop: string, descriptor: BabelDescriptor | undefined, applyImmediately?: any ) { if (applyImmediately === true) { propertyCreator(target, prop, descriptor, target, decoratorArguments) return null } if (!, mobxPendingDecorators)) { const inheritedDecorators = target[mobxPendingDecorators] addHiddenProp(target, mobxPendingDecorators, { ...inheritedDecorators }) } /** * createPropDecorator 传进来的第二个参数, * 然后放进了 target[mobxPendingDecorators]![prop] 属性中, * 供 initializeInstance 使用 */ target[mobxPendingDecorators]![prop] = { prop, propertyCreator, descriptor, decoratorTarget: target, decoratorArguments } return createPropertyInitializerDescriptor(prop, propertyInitiallyEnumerable) } if (quacksLikeADecorator(arguments)) { // @decorator 无参数 decoratorArguments = EMPTY_ARRAY // 无参时,返回描述符descriptor(decorator.apply(null, arguments)执行返回描述符) return decorator.apply(null, arguments as any) } else { // @decorator(args) 有参数 // decoratorArguments在此处赋值,在 decorator 函数中使用(利用闭包) decoratorArguments = return decorator } } }

createPropertyInitializerDescriptor缓存了mobx store中定义的属性或方法的描述符,如果没有缓存过则重新生成新的描述符并缓存,新的描述符中getset做拦截处理,调用了initializeInstance,这个函数只会执行一次,作用是将target上的所有属性

function createPropertyInitializerDescriptor( prop: string, enumerable: boolean ): PropertyDescriptor { const cache = enumerable ? enumerableDescriptorCache : nonEnumerableDescriptorCache return ( cache[prop] || (cache[prop] = { configurable: true, enumerable: enumerable, get() { initializeInstance(this) return this[prop] }, set(value) { initializeInstance(this) this[prop] = value } }) ) }

target[mobxPendingDecorators]是mobx store中所有用@observable@computed装饰的属性,即可观察对象和计算属性。这里只讲计算属性,在initializeInstance中将这些属性执行一遍propertyCreator,即asObservableObject(instance).addComputedProp(instance, propertyName, {get,set, context: instance,...options})目的是将属性变为计算值(computedValue),并劫持其set、get操作。

function initializeInstance(target: DecoratorTarget) { if (target[mobxDidRunLazyInitializersSymbol] === true) return const decorators = target[mobxPendingDecorators] if (decorators) { addHiddenProp(target, mobxDidRunLazyInitializersSymbol, true) // Build property key array from both strings and symbols const keys = [...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(decorators), ...Object.keys(decorators)] for (const key of keys) { const d = decorators[key as any] d.propertyCreator(target, d.prop, d.descriptor, d.decoratorTarget, d.decoratorArguments) } } }

接下来我们看ComputedValueComputedValue 同时实现了 IDerivation IObservable 接口,既是观察者又是被观察者,所以它的成员变量是可观察变量和衍生的集合。

先看get函数,初始化时走第第一个 if 分支this.computeValue(false)传入false,那么调用的是,上面讲到过,this.derivation就是@computed修饰的get属性函数,执行这个函数,返回执行后的结果赋值给this.value

第二个分支:首先会reportObserved(this)上报自己被观察,把自己放在derivationnewObserving队列中;接着调用this.trackAndCompute(),顾名思义:收集依赖和计算值,收集依赖时调用this.computeValue(true),最终调用的是trackDerivedFunction(this, this.derivation, this.scope),这个函数就很熟悉了吧;如果计算值发生了改变,则调用propagateChangeConfirmed(observable: IObservable) ,将观察者的依赖状态置为staled.dependenciesState = IDerivationState.STALE)。

public get(): T { if (this.isComputing) fail(`Cycle detected in computation ${}: ${this.derivation}`) // 初始化获取绑定计算属性的依赖关系,或者在 action 中直接获取计算属性 if (globalState.inBatch === 0 && this.observers.size === 0 && !this.keepAlive) { if (shouldCompute(this)) { this.warnAboutUntrackedRead() startBatch() this.value = this.computeValue(false) endBatch() } } else { // reaction.runReaction 处理逻辑中,将进入第二个条件分支 // ComputedValue 不仅会把自己 reportObserved 给 reaction reportObserved(this) // 同时自己也是 IDerivation 的派生类,通过 trackAndCompute(里面会调用 trackDerivedFunction)来取值 // 如果 trackAndCompute 返回 true,即值改变了,向监听自己的 observers 上报 change if (shouldCompute(this)) if (this.trackAndCompute()) propagateChangeConfirmed(this) } const result = this.value! if (isCaughtException(result)) throw result.cause return result }

computeValue(track: boolean) { this.isComputing = true globalState.computationDepth++ let res: T | CaughtException if (track) { res = trackDerivedFunction(this, this.derivation, this.scope) } else { if (globalState.disableErrorBoundaries === true) { res = } else { try { res = } catch (e) { res = new CaughtException(e) } } } globalState.computationDepth-- this.isComputing = false return res }

关于计算值,有一个细节:当computedValue作为derivation,它依赖的observable有变更时调用的是propagateMaybeChanged,这个方法是在computedValueonBecomeStale() {propagateMaybeChanged(this)}使用。

调用链路:value changed --> d.onBecomeStale() --> propagateMaybeChanged


function propagateMaybeChanged(observable: IObservable) { if (observable.lowestObserverState !== IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE) return observable.lowestObserverState = IDerivationState.POSSIBLY_STALE observable.observers.forEach(d => { if (d.dependenciesState === IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE) { d.dependenciesState = IDerivationState.POSSIBLY_STALE if (d.isTracing !== TraceMode.NONE) { logTraceInfo(d, observable) } d.onBecomeStale() } }) }


// ComputedValue 值改变重新计算时调用 function propagateChangeConfirmed(observable: IObservable) { if (observable.lowestObserverState === IDerivationState.STALE) return observable.lowestObserverState = IDerivationState.STALE observable.observers.forEach(d => { if (d.dependenciesState === IDerivationState.POSSIBLY_STALE) d.dependenciesState = IDerivationState.STALE else if ( // 正在依赖收集阶段 d.dependenciesState === IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE ) observable.lowestObserverState = IDerivationState.UP_TO_DATE }) }


Implementation description:

First time it's being accessed it will compute and remember result

​ give back remembered result until 2. happens

First time any deep dependency change, propagate POSSIBLY_STALE to all observers, wait for 3.

When it's being accessed, recompute if any shallow dependency changed.

​ if result changed: propagate STALE to all observers, that were POSSIBLY_STALE from the last step.

​ go to step 2. either way


欢迎 star 我的源码解读系列之mobx,再次感谢!

参考文章 lawler61 mobx 源码解读(一):从零到 observable 一个 object 如何 mobx 源码解读(二):都 observe object 了,其他类型还会远吗 mobx 源码解读(三):mobx 中的依赖收集:订阅-发布模式 mobx 源码解读(四):讲讲 autorun 和 reaction mobx 源码解读(五):如虎添翼的 mobx-react 修范 mobx源码分析(一) 构造响应式数据 mobx源码分析(二) 订阅响应式数据

